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Homiletics Acts 13-14

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

13:1 church Antioch proph&tchrs:Barnbs,Simeon(Niger),Lucius(Cyrene),Manaen(ami Herod Tet),Saul

2-4 they worshpg/fastg,HS:set apart B&S;aftr fast,prayd,laid hands,sent;went Seleucia,Cyprus

5-7 Salamis,proclmd wd,Jn asst;2Paphos,sorcr Bar-Jesus w/pro-consl Sergius Paulus,summB&S2hear wd

8-11 Elymas opposed,tried2turn pro-consul away frm faith;S(P):u full deceit,L hand v.u,ub blind,dkns fell

12-15 pro-consul saw/believd;S2Perga,Jn2Jerus;PisidnAnt,Sabbath,syngog:if hv encrgmt,spk

16-20 P:listen;G chose ancestrs,40y put up w/them;aftr destryg7nations,gv inhertnc;450y,judgs till Sam

21-24 askd4king,Saul(Kish,Benj)40y;David(Jesse)who carry out my will;thru descndts-J;Jn proclm bap

25-30 Jn:I the one;residnts/rulrs Jerus recog J/sayngs of Proph;askd Pilate hv Him killd;tomb;G raised

31-38 appeard;we proclm gd news;G fulfilld;nvr dk;Dvd dk;1G raisd decay;thru this man4gv sins prclmd

39-45 Evry1 who belves,justfd;beware u nvr belv;ppl urgd em spk follow Sabb;Jews saw crowds-jealous

46-48 P&B:necess wd spkn u1st;since u reject,we turn2Gents;L cmd us:md u lt4Gents;Gents rejoiced

49-52 wd spread;Jews incitd G-fearg wm/leadg men stirrd persec;P&B2Iconium;disc filld w/joy&HS


14:1-4 Iconium,syngog,Jews&Gents believd;unbelvg Jews poisnd minds;stayd long,spk boldly;ppl divided

5-10 attmpt2mistrt/stone,fled2Lystra&Derbe,preachg;Lystra man lame frm birth,P:stand,jmpd up,wlkd

11-15 crowds:gods hv cm;B(Zeus),P(Hermes);priest Zeus bulls sacrfc;B&P tore robes,yu do these thngs

16-18 past,G allowd natns go their way,didn’t lv self w/o witness;barely stoppd crowd frm sacrfcg2them

19-20 Jews frm Antioch/Icon stoned Paul,dragged outsd city,thinkg dead;next day left w/B for Derbe

21-23 preached,made many disc;ret’d2Lystra,Iconium,Antioch;strengthened disc;appointed elders

24-26 thru Pisidia2Pamphylia,spk wd in Perga,2Attalia;bk2Antioch,commended wk completed

27-28 gathrd church,reptd evrythg G done,opend door2Gents;spent time w/disc


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Paul and Barnabas are set apart by the Holy Spirit to take God’s word to a Pro-Consul in Cyprus, a synagogue in Pisidian Antioch and travel to Iconium. (13:1-52)


2.Paul and Barnabas speak boldly in Iconium, are thought to be gods in Lystra where Paul is stoned, preach in Derbe, travel back through to encourage the churches and return to Antioch, completing their mission.




Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Paul and Barnabas take God’s word to many places


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, Desire etc.):

TCMATK Each believer in Jesus is set apart for a purpose that involves the advancement of the Gospel.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.How are you preparing to do your part in fulfilling the great commission?

2.What are you doing to prepare for opposition and persecution as you obediently fulfill your calling to spread the Gospel?


Xathieur Hopkins said…
Good article very impressive, Thanks for providing helpful information. I Will share it.

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