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Homiletics: Luke 24

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

24:1-3 1d/wk vy early morn,wm tk spices2tomb;fnd stone rolld,entrd,find body LJ

4-5 while wndrg,2 men cloths gleamd stood beside them; wm faces2grd,men:yu lk4lvng among dead

6-8 here,risen! Remem wht He told u;SoM must b delvd2sinnrs,cruc,3rd d raised;then they remem

9-10 when cm bk frm tomb,told11&others;MM,Joanna,M mothr Jas&others told apostles

11-12 they believe bec wds seemd nonsense;P ran2tomb,saw strips linen lying by selves,went wondring


13-16 same d,2go2Emmaus,7mi frm Jerus;talkg re:what happnd;J walkd w/them,but they kept frm recog

17-19 He:wht u discuss;Cleopas:u know happnd;what?Abt J of Naz,proph,pwrfl wd/deed b4G&all ppl

20-23 CP/rulers crucified Hm;we hoped He redeem Is;it’s 3rd d;sm wm2tomb find body;angels:He alive

24-26 sm compn2tomb fnd as said,see J;He:foolish ur,slow2beliv all proph spkn;didn’t Mess hv2 suffr

27-29 beg w/Mos&proph,He expln Scr concrng self;approchd vill,they urged:stay,He went w/them

30-32 He@tbl,tk brd,gv thx,brk,gv;eyes opend,recog,He disapprd;weren’t burng when open Scr2us


33-36 2Jerus,fnd11,L risen!apprd2Sim;2told wht happnd,how J recog whn brk brd;J among them:Pc w/u

37-40 startld,frightnd,ghost;y trbld,y doubts;lk hands/ft,touch,see,ghost hv flesh&bones;showd hands/ft

41-45 anythg2eat;gv broiled fish;He ate;I told evrythg fulifilled;opend minds so they undrstd

46-48 this writn:Mess suffer, rise on 3rd d;repntc4forgvnss preachd2all nations beg@Jerus;u witness thes

49-50 I send u wht Fr promsd; stay until u clothed pwr frm on hi;led2Bethany,liftd hands,blessed

51-53 while blessing, left them,tkn2heaven;they worshipd,retd Jerus grt joy;stayed cont @tmpl,prsg G





Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.The third day (Luke 24:1-12)

Principle: Jesus keeps His promises.

2.The road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-32)

Principle: Jesus meets us where we are.

3.The risen Christ (Luke 24:33-53)

Principle: Jesus’ resurrection is also our resurrection.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Tomb empty, Jesus returns to heaven after Emmaus, Jerusalem appearances.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATK Faith in Christ gives the believer hope in their own resurrection and eternal life with Jesus.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.Where are you doubting Jesus and how will you allow Him to fill you with joy and renew your hope?

2.What is keeping you from recognizing Jesus’ presence in your faith walk?

3.How will you remind yourself how Jesus has blessed you when you need to keep going and He seems far away?



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