Content (not
sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):
19:28-36 Aftr,J2Jerus;Bethpage/Bethany sent2disc colt,unty,L
needs,cloaks on, J on;ppl cloaks on rd
37-42 rd dn2mt olives crowd praise G;Phar:Tchr rebuk
disc;stones cry out;Jerus wept:wht brng pc hidn
43-48 enmies,dsh2grd,u recog G cming;tmpl drv out
sell;hs prayr;tch tmpl,cp/tch lw try kill,ppl hng wds
20:1-8 J tch tmpl,cp/tch lw:what authority;John bap from
hvn or human?We know;neithr I tell u
9-16 man vinyd rent;@hvst,sent svt,tenants beat;anothr,beat;3rd,wound;son,killd;he
kill tenan;ppl:G4bid
17-19 wht mean:ston bldr rej bec crnrstn?any1 fall on
broken,any1 it falls crushed;tch lw/cp afraid of ppl
20-25 sent spies:taxes2Caes?He saw thru duplicity:whos
image?Caes.Gv2Caes what caes&2G what G’s
26-28 they unable trap, silent;Saddu,resurr,Mos:bro
die,wife,child,man marry widow,raise offsprg
29-36 7 bros,married wm,childless;wm die;@resurr whose
wife?Those in resurr marry;G’s childrn
37-41 brning bush,dead rise,G Ab,Is,Jac;God of ded,G
of lvng;more quest;J:y said Mess=son of David
42-44 D decl Ps:L2my l:sit rt hd I mk enemies ftstool:D
calls him L,how he b his son?
45-47 bwr tch law lv respect,important seats,devour
widows hs,4show mk lngthy prayr,punishd sevrly
21:1-4 J saw rich gifts tmp,poor widow coins;widow put in
more;gv out of poverty
5-8 sm disc:tmpl adornes beautfl stones,gifts;time
not1stone on anothr;When?:watch out u deceived
9-11 when hear wars,be frightnd;nation v
nation;earthquk,famn.pestilences;grt signs frm hvn
12-15 b4 this,prscute u;prison,b4kings,gov;u bear
testmony2me;worry how u defend;I gv wds contradict
16-19 u betrayd by parnts,brosis,relatvs,friends,sm2deth;evry1
h8u bec me;hair perish;std firm u win life
20-24 when see Jerus surr armies,desol near;Judea
flee;time of punishmt;grt distress;Jerus trmpld Gents
25-33 signs sun,moon,stars,SoM cm cloud;redmptn near;fig
tree leaves summr;hvn earth pass,my wds
34-38 carefl carousg,drunknss,anxieties,that day close lk
trap;watch,std b4SoM;each d J tch,ppl cm early
Divisions (run-on
sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each
1.Jesus enters Jerusalem on a colt, clears the temple and
teaches there. (Luke 19:28-48)
2.Jesus teaches in the temple and sees through the
duplicity of spies sent to trap Him.
(Luke 20)
3.Jesus teaches about signs to come before the Son of Man
returns. (Luke21)
Subject Sentence (10-word
sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
Jesus enters Jerusalem, clears the temple and teaches there.
Aim (“To Cause My
Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):
TCMATK Friendship with Jesus is preferable even though it
means enmity with the world.
Application (not
yes or no question. Meant to bring about
heart change):
1.What is keeping you from allowing Jesus to clear
certain things out of your temple?
2.How are you responding to what Jesus is teaching you?
3.How do you encourage others (or how does the Lord
encourage you) that Jesus is going to return?