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Homiletics Luke 1-2

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):
1:1-4 acct handed dn,I investg8d,write4u Theo,u know certainty thing u been taught
5-10 time of Herod, Zech/Eliz desc Aaron,rteous,childless,old,Zech srvg tmpl incense,wrshprs prayg
11-15 aoL,rt of altar inc,Zech fear;be afraid;ur prayr heard,Eliz son John,grt,nvr wine,filld w/S b4 born
16-20 he brng bk ppl2L;sprit/pwr Elijh;mk rdy ppl4L;Z:how I sure?I Gab,std presnc G,u silnt bec believ
21-31 ppl waitg Z,cm out,speak,svc cmplt,home,Eliz preg,5mo seclusn,6mo a2Mary:u favr w/G,son,J
32-38He grt,SonMostHigh,L gv throne D,reign4evr;M:how?a:HS;Eliz6thmo;wordG fail;I L’s svt,a left
39-56 M2Eliz,bby leapd,E filld HS;blessd=child;M:soul glorfy L;He perf mty deeds;M stay3mo,ret home
57-64 Eliz,birth,nghbrs shard joy;8thd,circ,mothr:John;ppld md signs2fr,he wrote John,beg2spk,prs G
65-74 Z filld HS,prphsied:prs L he cm2ppl redeem,raisd hrn salv,sho mercy,rescue,enable srv w/o fear
76-80 my child propht,go b4L;gv knowl salv;child grew,strng in spirit;lived wildrnss
2:1-12 Caes Aug census,Jos Naz2Beth w/M;bby born,mangr,aoL2shep:2day Savior born;sign:manger
13-20 hvnly host apprd,praisd G,left;shep:let’s go;found M,J,bby;spread word,M treas,shep retd
21-32 8thd,circ,Jesus,2Jerus,presnt;Simeon,HS on him,2tmpl,praisd G:eyes seen salv,lt rev2Gents,glry Is
33-35 Sim2M:child destind caus fall/ris many Is,thoughts many s reveald;sword prc ur soul
36-38 proph Anna,dtr Penuel (Asher),old,livd w/husb7y,wid till 84,nvr lft tmpl,fast/pray;thx2G re:child
39-43 J&M retd Gal,child grew,strng,wisdm,grace;evry yr2Jerus Passovr;he 12yo,aftr fest,J stay in Jerus
44-46 they travl 1 day,began lookg4him;find,went bk Jerus;aftr3d,found him tmpl,listening,askg quest
47-48 evry1 amazed at understdg/ans;mother:yu treat us lk this?anxiously srchg4u
49-51 yu srchg4me?i be in Father’s House;they undrstd;he2Naz,obedient,mother treas
52 J grew wisdom,stature,favor w/G&men
Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):
1.An orderly account for Theophilus (1:1-4)
Principle:  God is orderly.
2.The birth and growth of John (1:5-80)
Principle:  God’s timing is perfect.
3.The birth and growth of Jesus (2:1-52)
Principle:  God has plans for every life.
Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
An orderly account of John’s and Jesus’ births and growth.
Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):
TCMATK Everyone’s story has a beginning and those who have a relationship with Jesus have a story to tell.
Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):
1.What Scriptures have helped you to be certain about what you’ve learned and believe about Jesus?
2.Which event(s) surrounding John’s birth transform your thinking to prepare the way for the Messiah?
3.What event(s) around Jesus’ birth and in His growing up years impact your thinking about Who He is and your relationship with Him?

And some extra questions I'm asking myself during my summer study...

How would I describe God in this passage?  God is a perfect promise-keeper.  He has fulfilled His promises!  He has been investigated and approved.  We may be certain of what we’ve been taught like Theophilus.  The Bible (book of Luke) records the truth.  God is a strategic leader.  He sent the angel Gabriel to Zechariah to give him the good news of his son’s birth and mission.  He sent Gabriel to Mary.  God is a miraculous favor bestower.  He gave Zechariah and Elizabeth and Mary children miraculously.  His word will never fail.  An angel appeared to the shepherds to announce the birth of Jesus.  God is Abba, Father.
Who are “the lost”?  Zechariah and Elizabeth’s neighbors and relatives.  The shepherds?  Jesus’ relatives and friends?  Some of the teachers in the temple courts?
Where do I see the Holy Spirit’s power?  Zechariah and Elizabeth being declared righteous.  An angel of the Lord (Gabriel) appeared to Zechariah in the Holy Place of the temple.  Gabriel told Zechariah that his son, John, would be filled with the Spirit prior to birth.  The baby in Elizabeth’s womb leaped for joy when Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting and Elizabeth was filled with the Spirit.  Was Mary pregnant with Jesus already?  Was it Jesus’ presence that made John leap in the womb? Zechariah was filled with the Spirit after the naming of John and he prophesied.
Where do I see an emphasis on prayer?  Zechariah was serving as priest in the temple, burning incense and apparently praying for a child.  I believe the role of the priest when tending the incense in the Holy Place was to pray for the Messiah.  So two prayers were answered in one.  Plus, the people outside were praying.  Was he praying as the angel appeared?  Was Mary praying when Gabriel appeared to her? Elizabeth and Mary both praise the Lord.  Zechariah praised the Lord and prophesied after John was named.
Where do I see joy?  The angel Gabriel tells Zechariah that his son, John, will be a joy and delight to him.  Zechariah’s wife became pregnant.  The baby in Elizabeth’s womb leaped for joy when Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting and Elizabeth was filled with the Spirit.  Elizabeth’s neighbors shared her joy when she gave birth to John.  Mary treasures up in her heart what the shepherds say and what Jesus tells her after she finds Him in the temple.
How could this joy be my strength today?  I am overjoyed that John the Baptist paved the way for Jesus!  For whom might I pave the way to Jesus today?  Jesus must be in His Father’s house.  Since my body is His temple, He must be in me!
What do I love about Jesus?  I love Jesus’ power!  Even as a fetus, He amazes!  He isn’t selfish.  He must be in His Father’s house.  The more I become like Him, the more I will be in my Father’s house, too.
What references to food do I see in this passage?  I see none.
If this were the only page torn out of a Bible I possessed, what would I treasure about it?  Older men and women can be useful to God.  God’s people encourage each other.  Mary had a beautiful, obedient attitude.


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