Content (not
sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):
1.S fin all he desird2do,L apprd2him2ndX as@Gibeon:I hrd
prayr,consec tmpl,eyes/♥alwys ther(9:1-3)
2.walk integrty,I estab thron4evr;turn away,I cut off
Is,tmpl→rubble,”y L done this”,”bec
3.@end of20y bldg,S gv 20
towns Galilee2Hiram,H plsd,Kabul(gd4nothg);H sent120talent au(9:10-14)
4.acct of forcd labor2bld tmpl,palace,terraces,wall of
5.Phar attack Gezer,set fire,killd Canaanite inhab,gv as
wed gift2dtr,S wife;S rebuilt Gezer(9:16-17a)
6.S bilt up Lwr Beth Horon,Baalath,Tadmor,store cities,twns4chariot/hrses,whatevr
he desired(9:17b-19)
7.ppl left from ites,S conscrptd desc2srv as slave
labor;S mk slaves of Is-fightg men,gov off,PMs(9:20-23)
8.aftr Phar dtr cm2palce,S constrct terr;3x/yr S sac brnt&fellow
off,burng inc,fulfill tmpl oblgtn(9;24-25)
9.S blt ships Ezion Geber,Hiram sent men2srv w/S’s
men;sailed2Ophir,brt bk420talent au2S(9:26-28)
10.QSheba hrd abt S&his rel2L,cm2test;arr Jerus
w/spices,au,prec stones;S ans qu,nothg2hard(10:1-3)
11.QS saw wisdom,palace,food,officials,svts,cupbearers,brnt
off-she overwhelmed(10:4-5)
12.Rpt I hrd ab tur achivmts&wisdm true;believe
till I saw;wisd/wealth far exceed rpt(10:6-7) happy ppl/off must be hear ur wisd;PTL who plcd u
on throne;bec L lv4Is He md u king(10:8-9)
14.gv120tal au,spices,stones;nvr again so many spices;H’s
ships brt au,almugwd,stones(10:10-11)
15.wd mk supprts4tmpl/pal,harps,lyres;so much almugwd nvr
imprtd since(10:12)
16.S gv QS all she askd,she left(10:13) S recd yrly666tal incl revnu frm merch,tradrs,Arab
kings,gov;S md200lg shld,300sm shld(10:14-17)
18.K md thron,steps,back round,armrest lion,12lion on
steps;goblets/hshld art=au;ag lil valu(10:18-21)
19.ships ret evry3y w/au,ag,ivry,apes,baboons;KS>rich
kings;wrld sought aud2hr wisd,brt gifts(10:22-25)
20.S char(14k),hrs(12k);ag commn,cedr plentfl;hrs
frmEgy/Kue,char frm Egy;exprt2Hitt/Aram(1:26-29)
Divisions (run-on
sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each
1.The Lord appears to Solomon a second time.(9;1-9)
2.Solomon builds up towns and runs a fleet of ships with Hiram
of Tyre.(9:10-28)
3.Solomon shares wisdom with the Queen of Sheba.(10:1-13)
4.Solomon’s dealings with the world.(10:14-29)
Subject Sentence (10-word
sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
Sheba’s queen praises the Lord for Solomon’s wisdom and
Aim (“To Cause My
Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):
TCMATK The Lord is the Giver of wisdom and wealth and everything
else and He deserves our praise for all that we have.
For me: Our relationship with the Lord is at the heart of
all other relationships we will ever have in life and should be prioritized, nurtured
and developed.
Application (not
yes or no question. Meant to bring about
heart change):
1.How has the last instruction you received from the Lord
changed your thinking and what fruit are you seeing as a result?
2.What are you building and with whom are you building
it? Is the Lord in the midst of this
3.What words of wisdom has the Lord given to you that you’ve
shared with someone to encourage them?
How do you respond when someone praises your wisdom or abilities?
4.What needs to be transformed in your thinking for you to
more effectively share the Gospel with the world?
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