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Homiletics 1 Kings 3-4

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

1.S alliance w/Phar,marr dtr,brt2CityofDavid until fin bldg. palace,tmpl,wall;ppl sacrfc@hi plcs(3:1-2)

2.SL by wlkg acc2instr gvn by D,xcpt offr sacrfcs@hi plcs;Gibeon most imprtnt,1k brnt offrngs(3:3-4)

3.L appr2S dream,what u want me gv u?S:u sho grt kindnss;gv discrng2govrn/dist rt frm wrong(3:5-9)

4.L plsd:I gv wise/discrng,welth,hnr;if u wlk obednc as D,I gv long life;dream;Jerus,scrfc,feast(3:10-15)

5.2prostut,1son die,tk my son;argu;brng sword,cut child in2;No!Y!S:gv2 1st wm,Is awe wisd4jstc(3:16-28)


6.S rule Is;chf off:Azariah-pr;Elihoreph&Ahijah-secys;Jehoshaphat-recrdr;Ben-cic;Zad&Abiathr-pr(4:1-4)

7.Azariah-chg dist gov;Zabud-pr/advsr;Ahishar-palac adm;Adoniram-chg frcd labr(4:5-6)

8.12dist gov supply prov4k/royl hshld,each provide supplies4 one mo/yr:Ben-Hur-Ephraim(4:7-8)


10.Ben-Abinadab-NaphothDor(m Taphath dtr Sol);Baana-Taanch,Megido,BethShn2AbelMeholh(4:11-12)

11.Ben-Geber-RamothGilead;Ahinadab-Mahanaim;Ahimaaz-Naphtali(m Basemath dtr Sol)(4:13-15)

12.Baana-Ahser,Aloth;Jehoshaphat-Issachar;Shimei-Benjamin;Geber-Gilead,he only gov ovr dst(4:16-19)

13.ppl numerous,ate,drank,happy;Sol rule frm Euphrates to Philistines to Egy;cntrs tribute(4:20-21)

14.S daily prov:30cors(5metrc ton) finest flour,60cors(10metrc ton) meal(4:22)

15.10stall-fed cattle;20pastr-fed cattle,100sheep,goat,deer,gazll,roebuck,choice fowl(4:23)

16.ruld ovr all kgdm w Euph,pc all side;durng lifetm,Jud/Is lv safety,evry1 undr ownvine/figtree(4:24-25)

17.4k stall4char hs,12k hs;dist gov suppl prov4S&all cm2k’s tbl,0lack;also brt barley/straw4hs(4:26-28)

18.G gv S wisdm,insight,undstdg as measrlss as sand on seashore;S wisd>wisd all ppl of e/Egypt(4:29-30)

19.wiser than Ethan, Heman, Kalkol, Darda;fame spread;spoke3000proverbs,songs#d1005(4:31-32)

20.spok abt plant life,animals,birds,reptiles,fish;ppl listn2S wisd sent by kings who hrd of wisd(4:33-34)


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Solomon marries Pharaoh’s daughter, asks God for wisdom and awes Israel with his wisdom from God to administer justice. (3:1-28)


2.Solomon rules Israel, the people are happy and safe and kings send people to hear Solomon’s wisdom. (4:1-34)



Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Solomon ruled Israel in peace, safety and with God’s wisdom.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATK  God’s wisdom is desirable and His people should ask for it.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.In what areas do I need God’s wisdom and what is keeping me from asking God for it?

2.How can I share the wisdom God’s given me without showing off?


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