Content (not
sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):
1.what shall we say Abe, our 4fr acc2flesh, discovered in
this? (1)
2.if A justified by wrks, he had something2boast about –
but b4 God. (2)
3.what Scr say? “A believd G & it credited2him as
righteousness. (3)
4.to1who wrks, wages credited as gift but as
obligation. (4)
5.howevr to1who work but trusts G, who justifies
ungodly, faith credited as righteousness. (5)
6.David says same when spks of blessedness of1to whom G
credits righteousness apart from law. (6)
7.Blessed those who transgressn forgivn/sins cvrd;Blessd
is1whose sin L will nvr count against him(7-8) this blessedness only4circmcsd or also uncirc? We
been saying A’s faith cred as righteousness(9)
9.under what circumstance credited? After circ or
b4?B4.circ=sign of righteousness (10-11)
10.He also fr of circumcsd who follow steps of faith A
had b4 circumcised(12)
11.thru law A offsprg rec’d promise he b heir of wrld but
thru righteousness that comes by faith(13)
12.if those who depend on law=heirs, faith means
nothing&promise=worthless (14)
13. bec law brings wrath; where there no law, no
14.T4 promise cm by faith so by grace&guartd2A’s
offsprg those of law,those hv faith;he fr of all(16)
15.writn:”I made u fr many nation”; our fr in sight o G
who gv life2ded& call in2being thngs that not(17)
16.against hope A believd/became fr many nations, just as
said to him: “so shall ur offsprg be”(18)
17.w/o wkning faith,faced body, 100 yo/S’s womb ded; waver
re:promis,strngthnd,gave glry2G (19-20)
18.fully persuaded G had pwr2do promis;this why “cred as
rtness” (21-22)
19. wds “it cred2him” 4 him alone,4us2whom G’ll
cred rtness-who bel in Him who raisd J frm ded(23-24)
20.He was delivered over2death4our sins,raised4our
Divisions (run-on
sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each
1.Abraham was justified by faith that God credited as
righteousness. (4:1-5)
Principle: God credits those who believe Him with righteousness.
2.Blessed are those whose sins are forgiven, who follow
Abraham’s footsteps of faith. (4:6-15)
Principle: Those whom God credits with righteousness are
3.Abraham believed God had the power to do what He
promised. (4:16-25)
Principle: God credits righteousness to those who believe
in Him Who raised Jesus from the dead.
Subject Sentence (10-word
sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
Paul reveals how God credits righteousness using Abraham
and David.
Aim (“To Cause My
Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):
TCMATK God is a forgiving, powerful promise keeper.
Application (not
yes or no question. Meant to bring about
life change):
1.How are you being called to trust God right now and how
is that sweetening your relationship with Christ?
2.How might you gently counsel someone who believes they
are earning their salvation through works to see the blessedness of God’s gift
apart from works?
3.What promise have you believed of God and how has He
powerfully kept that promise? (Jere 33:3)