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Homiletics 2 Timothy 4

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                                                                Who?

In pwr G/CJ, Who’ll judge living/dead & in view of his appearing/kingdm, I charge you:
Preach wd, be prepd in seas/out; correct, rebuke, encourg w/grt patience/careful instruct
Time cm ppl not put up w/snd doct; to suit desires gather teachers say what ears want
They turn frm truth 2 myth; u keep head, endur hdship, do wk of evang, duties of ministry
I already being pourd out lk drink off, my depart near, I fought gd fight, fin race, kept faith
For me crn righteousness L award that day & al who longed for His appearing
Do best cm quick, Demas loved world desert me to Thes, Crescens to Gal,Titus to Dalmatia
Only Luke w/me, get Mark, bring bec he helpful in ministry; I sent Tychichus to Ephesus
When cm, bring cloak I left w/Carpus in Troas & scrolls, esp. parchments
Alexander (metalworker) did me grt harm; L will repay
Be on guard vs. him bec he opp our msg
My 1st def, no one support, everyone desert; may it not be held vs. them
L @ my side/gave strgth, thru me msg fully proclaimd, Gents hear, I del’d frm lion’s mouth
L will rescue me frm evry evil attack, brng me safely to hvnly kingdm; to Him glory forever
Greet Priscilla & Aquila & household of Onesiphorus
Erastus stayed Corinth, I left Trophimas sick in Miletue
Do best get here before winter; Eubulus grts you & Prudens, Linus, Claudia, all bros/sis
L be w/your spirit; grace be w/you all


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

Paul’s final instructions
Christians follow Christ in service
Paul’s final warnings
Christians treasure their friends
Paul’s final words
Christians encourage and bless other believers


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

Paul writes Timothy a final charge, warning and blessing.



TCMAT Engage in ministry, giving their all and mentoring other disciples



What have you been asked to do to minister to others and what has been your response to that request?
In what ways are you observing an increase in intolerance for sound doctrine in the world today?
How will you guard against gathering teachers who tell you what you want to hear?
In what ways is society turning from truth to myth?
How would the advice Paul gave to Timothy in v. 5 pertain to you?
In what ways are you fighting the good fight, finishing the race, keeping the faith?  How would you encourage others to do the same?
How does v. 8 encourage you?
When have you been almost desperate for companionship?
Why might Paul ask for his cloak, scroll and parchments, and what would you ask for if you were in prison (and perhaps facing death)?
How does knowing that the Lord will repay the wrongs done to His people free you to treat those who mistreat you with the love of Christ?
How has the Lord stayed at your side during desperate moments?
What evil attacks has the Lord rescued you from lately?
Who means most to you in this world and how will you pray for them?
How will you bless and encourage those you love?
If you were writing your final letter to those you love most, what would you tell them and why?



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