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Homiletics: Revelation 15-16

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                                                                Who?

I saw in hvn grt & marvy sign: 7 angels w/7 last plagues bec w/them G’s wrath complete
saw sea o glass w/fire, beside sea those victorious over beast/img/#, held harps gvn by G
Sang song o M & Lamb: grt & marvy your deeds L, just & true your ways K o ages
Who not fear u L/bring glory ur name; u alone=holy, all nat cm worship 4 ur right acts revd
I look, in hvn taber open; out cm 7 angels w/7 plagues in cln, shining linen, golden sashes
1 live creat gave 7 au bowls w/G’s wrath, temple fill w/smoke frm glry/pwr, no one enter
Hrd loud voce frm templ to angels: go pour 7 bowls G’s wrath on earth
1st pour on land, ugly painful sores broke out on ppl w/mk of bst who worship img
2nd pour on sea, turn to blood like dead man, everything in sea died
3rd pour on rvrs/sprs, they bec blood; A: U jst in judgmts, they shed blood, u gv bld 2 drk
Altar respond: Yes L true & just ur judgmts
4th pour on sun, sun gvn pwr scorch ppl w/fire, they seard by int heat, curs G, ref repnt
5th pour throne o bst, his kingdm plung into dkness, men gnaw tongues, curs G, ref repnt
6th pour Euphrates, h2o dried prep way 4 kings o east, 3 evl sprt frm mths drg, bst, fals prp
They spirits o demons perf mirac signs, go out gather kings of world for battle
“Behold I cm like thief, blesd who stay awake, keep clothes w/him so not go naked/exp”
Gathered kings together to Armageddon
7th pour into air, voce frm throne: “it is done”, lightning, thunder, severe earthquake
Grt city split in 3, cities collapsed, G remem Babylon, gave cup w/fury of His wrath
Evry island fled, mts not found, huge hailstones (100#) fell on men, they cursed G


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

John sees heaven before the 7 bowls of God’s wrath are poured
God’s people receive glimpses of heaven as they seek and serve Him.
Seven angels pour the seven bowls of God’s wrath
God’s wrath will destroy His creation completely except for people, who will live eternally in heaven or hell.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

John watches angels receive and pour bowls of God’s wrath.



TCMATK God’s wrath is coming and its terrifying details should make us seek Christ for ourselves and share Him with others



If you were to delay your decision to accept Christ as Savior, what might you have to endure to be victorious over the beast, his name and his number?
How does knowing what it takes to be victorious over the beast motivate you and what action will you take because of it?
What are the seven bowls of God’s wrath and how will you react to avoid them yourself and/or rescue loved ones?
Who will you attempt to rescue from this fate this week?
Which bowl is most disturbing to you and how will this change how you share Christ with others?
How are the seven bowls of wrath God’s true and just judgments?
What does it mean for you to obey Revelation 16:15: “…Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with hi so he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed”?


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