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Homiletics Exodus 2:11-25

Contents (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture):  Where?                 Egypt, Midian  Who?  Moses, Reuel, Zipporah, Gershom

When Moses grown, went unto brethren, looked on burdens, spied Egyptian smiting Hebrew, looked this way and that, saw no man, slew Egyptian/hid him in sand.
2nd day, behold two Hebrews strove: “Wherefore smitest thou thy fellow”;  “Who made thee judge over us?  Intendest thou kill me as Egyptian?”  Moses feared: “thing is known”.
P heard/sought to slay M, M fled, dwelt in Midian/sat by well.
priest of Midian 7 daughters, drew water, filled troughs, water father’s flock; shepherds drove them away, M helped/watered flock.
Reuel (father): “How ye come so soon today?” They: “Egyptian delivered us of shepherds, drew enough/watered flock.”
“Where he?  Why ye left the man?  Call him, that he may eat bread”
M content dwell w/man, gave Moses Zipporah (daughter), she bare son: Gershom, M: “I have been stranger in strange land.”
King of Egypt died, Israel sighed by reason of bondage and cried, cry came unto God, He heard groaning/remembered covenant w/A,I & J; God looked upon Israel, had respect.

Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture):

M spied Egyptian smiting Hebrew, slew/hid him; 2nd day, 2 Hebrews strove: “Wherefore smitest fellow?”, “Who made thee judge? Intendest thou kill me as Egyptian?” M feared: “thing known”; P heard/sought slay M, M fled Midian/sat by well.
Our most carefully hidden sins are already known.
Our brothers don’t always want (or need) our help.
Sometimes running away from a bad situation can bring blessing.
Priest Midian 7 daughters, water father’s flock, shepherds drove away, M helped/watered flock; Reuel: “How ye come so soon?” “Egyptian delivered us,watered flock”; “Call him, he eat”; M content dwell w/man, gave M Zipporah, bore son Gershom: “I’ve been stranger in strange land.”
When we’ve been delivered, we have courage and strength to stand up for others.
When someone stands up for us, we should offer our thanks and hospitality.
All human beings are strangers in a strange land – our true home is not of this world.
KoE died, Israel cried, cry came unto God, He heard/remembered covenant w/A, I & J, looked upon Israel, had respect.
God hears our cries.
God remembers His promises.
God watches over us.

Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure):

Moses killed an Egyptian and fled; God heard Israel’s cry.

Aim (Christian and Non-Christian):

TCMAT know that we cannot hide anything from God nor can we flee from Him.  He always hears our cries, keeps His promises and watches over His children.


In what way are you tempted to hide your sins?
What is your reaction to the fact that God already knows what your sins are?
How have you attempted to help a brother who didn’t want or need your assistance?
How do you react when a brother attempts to help you when you don’t want or need his assistance?
When have you run away from a bad situation and it turned out to be the best course of action?
How has your salvation given you courage and strength to stand up for someone else?
How do you treat those who stand up for you?
How have you been treated when you stood up for someone else?
What does it mean to you that you are a stranger in a strange land?
What evidence do you have that God hears your cries?
What experience have you had that proves God remembers His promises?
What observations might God make about you as He watches over you?



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