The first two weeks of this study have been life changing
for me. I pray that you’re having the
same experience. Week three promises
more of the same. The chapter opens with
a challenge to the student by asking the question: “Do you know the name of a poor person?” People are valuable. People are treasured by God and should be
treasured by His people. Our investment
in people is the work that will survive God’s test of fire at the end of time. How are you investing?
I may be getting ahead of myself, but this was an incredible
week of study. Kelly’s video teaching
puts a significant emphasis on the term “disgrace” and what it means to live in
disgrace. Who do you know that lives in
disgrace? The point is that the poor matter. How do I treat the poor?
The study for the week was almost like an in-depth interview
with each day’s considerations bringing me to my knees. Here are the questions I asked myself this
week as a result of my study time. Use
them to interview yourself. What distracts
me from doing what God put in my heart to do?
Do I even have a really good grasp of what He put in my heart to do? Am I properly (prayerfully) discerning what
opportunities I should say “yes” to and which ones I should say “no” to? What lies do I believe about God? What lies do I believe about myself? As I learn what they are, I need to confess
these things because they are destructive.
In what areas am I close to completion and in danger of
faltering under temptation? May God fill
me with faith, strength and courage to finish well. Have I been dreaming too small? Chasing too little? Am I content to settle for what I can
accomplish with my own two hands rather than letting God’s power do through
me? What would it look like for me to
fear God more than “most people”?
How did you fare with my “interview”? What questions would you add to the interview
from this week’s study?