In light of the promises listed in Exodus 5:6-8, why was all of the plaguing of Egypt necessary? God certainly could have softened pharaoh’s heart and freed Israel before the staff of God first touched the ground at pharaoh’s feet and began writhing like a serpent! Ultimately, we need to know that Our Lord is NOT frivolous! There is purpose and passionate love for His creation in everything He does! We need to take that on faith, and He will give us experience to back it up! So, what was His purpose? That is a tough question. I believe the answer has facets beyond human comprehension, but here are some of my thoughts: God won’t manipulate us. He gave us free will, and He expects us to use it! Preferably to choose Him! Each plague demonstrated God’s supremacy over an Egyptian deity. He wanted Egypt and Israel alike to know that HE IS GOD!!!!! If this period of history weren’t a major struggle, would it have been documented? Would Moses have been chosen and trained to work with God to de...
Dedicated to the study of the Word of God and growing others up in relationship with Jesus. "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching." --Hebrews 10:25