Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):
1.Jews began grumble bec said:I bread from heaven;they:J
son Jos,how say came from hvn(6:41-42)
2.Stop grumbling among yourselves;no1 come me unless Fr
draws,and I raise up last day(6:43-44)
3.written in Proph:they be taught by G,every1 who heard
Fr comes(6:45)
4.no1 seen Fr except one from G;VT the 1 who believes has
EL;I am bread of life(6:46-48)
5.your ancestors ate manna yet died;here is bread from
hvn any1 may eat,not die(6:49-50)
6.I am living bread,whoever eats will live forever,bread=flesh
I give for life of world(6:51)
7.Jews began argue sharply:How this man give flesh to
8.J:VT unless you eat flesh SoM/drink blood,you have no
9.whoever eats flesh/drinks blood has EL and I raise last
day;my flesh real food,blood real drink(6:54-55)
10.whoever eats flesh/drinks blood remains in me,I in
them(6:56) Fr sent me/I lv bec Fr,1 who feeds on me live bec
me;bread hvn,whoevr feeds live 4evr(6:57-58)
12.he said this teaching syn Capernaum(6:59)
13.hearing it many disc:this hard teaching;aware disc
grumbling,J:does this offend you?(6:60-61)
14.what if you see SoM ascend;Spirit gvs life,flesh
counts nothing,wds spoken full Spirit/life(6:62-63)
15.”yet some believe”,for J had known from beginning
which believe and who would betray him(6:64)
16.This why I told you no1 can cm unless Fr enabled
them;many disc turned bk longer followed(6:65-66)
17.”You want leave too, do you?” J asked;Peter:to
whom we go? You have wds of EL(6:67-68)
18.we have come to believe/know you Holy One of God(6:69)
19.J:Have I not chosen you? Yet one of you is a devil!;he
meant Judas who later betray him(6:70-71)
Divisions (run-on
sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each
Division – a truth about God, a truth about man, a truth about God’s
relationship to man; a sin to avoid,
promise to trust, example to follow, command to obey, truth to believe):
1.The Jews grumbled at Jesus’ teaching at Capernaum (John
Principle: Jesus’
teaching is challenging, and people may be tempted to grumble about it.
2.Jesus’ teaching offends and has eternal life (John
Principle: Jesus’
teaching may offend, but brings life.
Subject Sentence (10-word
sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
Jesus, living bread, gives spiritual life and offends the
Aim (“To Cause My
Audience To…” Know, See, Learn, Understand, etc.):
TCMATK You must consume the Bread of Life to be saved.
Application (not
yes or no question. Meant to bring about
heart change):
1.What teaching from Jesus are you struggling to embrace,
and why?
2.What hard teaching of Jesus have you accepted as
The Big Idea (author’s
main purpose in writing; the one thing all the other things in the passage is
about; if you couldn’t talk about it, you would still understand the passage is
trying to convey this):
Doctrine: salvation