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Hebrews 4:14-5:14 Devotional

Today, we’re looking at Hebrews 4:14-5:14.  We’re going to talk about the Big Ideas of priesthood and maturity.  When we walk away from our time together today, I want you to know As followers of Jesus, the great High Priest, His people are called to maturity (and the priesthood).


Holy Father, I ask in Jesus’ name that You would open our hearts and minds to the Scriptures today.  I pray that You would encourage us and bring us to a new place of worship.  I ask that You would give us a higher view of You and conviction of our sins and a hunger to confess those things so we may be cleansed.  Transform us today.  Amen.


Attempting to study this set of verses using homiletics was really challenging for me.  My Subject Sentence was interpretive rather than factual and objective: Jesus, the great High Priest calls His followers to maturity.  I also really struggled with dividing these verses.  I wanted to keep it as one division, but the minimum for homiletics is 2.  I spent much time in prayer over this and I believe the Holy Spirit led me to two Divisions:


1.Jesus, our great High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-5:10)

2.Milk or solid food (Hebrews 5:11-14)


Let’s talk about Jesus, our Great High Priest.  The timing of reading these verses is incredible since we are currently wrapping up our study of the Gospel of Matthew with BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) and this week we studied the crucifixion and the tearing of the curtain in the Temple between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies in chapter 27.  The curtain in the temple was several inches thick, and the Scriptures record that the curtain was torn from top to bottom.  The curtain was believed to be at least 30 feet tall.  Other sources say 60 feet based on the size of Herod’s temple.  Either way, no man could tear even a 30 foot tall curtain several inches thick from top to bottom!  God is the one Who opened the access to the Holy of Holies to every priest.  Born again believers are the priests!  Not everyone has access to God the Father.  Only those who have come to Him through the torn curtain that is Jesus Christ!  I hope this little introduction helps you see these verses a bit differently.


Read Hebrews 4:14-5:10.


So, we have a Great High Priest: Jesus.  If you look at the role of the high priest, he was the only one who could enter the Holy of Holies.  And he could only do that once every year on the Day of Atonement when he sprinkled the blood on the mercy seat for his sins and the sins of the people.  In other words, the Old Testament high priest was a picture of the work that Jesus Christ would do:  be the link between God and mankind.  He is the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Him!


Verse 15 reminds us that our Great High Priest can sympathize with our weaknesses because He was tempted in every way we are, yet He did not sin!  Remember Matthew 4 when the devil came to Jesus in the desert after the Lord fasted for 40 days and nights?  He was hungry.  On the cross, He said He was thirsty.  In the Garden of Gethsemane, He prayed that the cup of suffering would pass from Him.  But ultimately, He determined to do God’s will.


What does it mean to you to know that you have a Great High Priest Who can empathize with your weaknesses?  How does this enable you to approach God the Father with absolute confidence?  As born again believers and disciples of Christ, when we approach the Father, He sees His beloved Son!  We can run straight to Him and jump in His lap expecting to receive grace and mercy.

The high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices for himself and the people.  He doesn’t appoint Himself.  God appoints him.  In the same way, God appointed Jesus to be the High Priest for all mankind in the order of Melchizedek.  Jesus is both our King and our Priest.  Like Melchizedek of the Old Testament was both the king of Salem and priest of God Most High.  See Genesis 14:18-20.  The parallels between him and Jesus are very interesting.  The verses quoted here are from Psalm 2:7, which is about a newly installed king, and Psalm 110:4, which mentions Melchizedek, the king and priest.


Because Jesus is our High Priest Who opened the access for born again believers to the Father by His sacrificial death on the cross, we can approach God the Father with absolute confidence, knowing how precious we are to Him in allowing His beloved Son to die for us.


Principle 1:  Jesus enables His people to approach God’s throne with confidence.


Application 1.In what areas are you weak and grateful for Christ’s empathy, and how will you approach the throne of God to grow in strength in those areas?


Now the author of Hebrews explains that there is more to say on the topic, but he’s not going to share it.  Let’s find out why.


Read Hebrews 5:11-14.


What are you extracting from the Scriptures?  Milk or meat?  Are you a teacher?  Or have you been a Christian long enough that you should be a teacher, but you aren’t because you’re not even feeding yourself from the Scriptures?  Is the majority of what you get from the Bible spoon fed to you by a pastor once a week?  Are you involved in Bible study where you get into the Scriptures on your own with the Holy Spirit as your teacher and then come together with a group to discuss your answers?  Do you prepare a Sunday school lesson?  Or facilitate that Bible study?


Do you apply what you learn from the Scriptures?  Are you growing?  Or do your thoughts remain the same as they were months ago?  Are you convicted when you read and study the Bible?  Do you regularly confess your sins to God?  Do you repent of those sins?  How have you changed in the last year?  Is that change rooted in your heart?  Are you willing for God to gently transform you through conviction as you study the Bible?  Do you approach your Bible study expecting God to speak?


To be a follower of Jesus is to grow in maturity and become more like Him.  How could you challenge yourself this week to pursue Christ at a higher level?  What are you willing to try that is currently outside your comfort zone?  How will you pray to be more obedient to God’s will for your spiritual growth?


Principle 2:  Jesus’ people grow in maturity.


Application 2.Where is your heart and mind craving milk rather than solid food, and how will you pray for Jesus to mature you?


Heavenly Father, thank You for this time in Your Word.  Thank You for opening our eyes and hearts to truth.  I pray You will transform us in the name of Jesus Christ so that we resemble Him and bring You honor and glory. Amen.


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