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Hebrews 3 Devotional

What is the best encouragement you’ve received lately?  I praised the Lord by sharing a photo depicting an answer to prayer with one of my spiritual mentors, and she texted me back the most beautiful prayer and praised the Lord with me.  But the biggest part of this happening was the palpitating of my heart that I felt when I looked at the photo and realized that this prayer of mine had been answered!  God Himself encouraged me with the realization that He heard and answered my prayer!  (Imagine me making hand motions on either side of my head like my mind is blown!!!)


In our study of Hebrews 3:1-19, we’re talking about the ideas of:  encouragement, having Jesus thoughts, and preventing hard heartedness and unbelief.  Ooh, that sounds like a tall order!  Let me tell you, without the Holy Spirit, it’s impossible!  Worldliness oozes discouragement, anti-Jesus thinking, hard-heartedness and unbelief!  The author of Hebrews says: think on Jesus, encourage others, don’t harden hearts.  And he does this with the assurance of possibility.  So HOW is it possible?  Knowing the cause of the negative qualities and not doing those things?  Sure.  But in the last couple of years, I’ve been working on dwelling on the positive things and contemplating how to influence in that way.  So…


Today, I want you to walk away from our time together knowing: The root problem of a hardened heart is unbelief, and we fight unbelief by fixing our thoughts on Jesus and encouraging each other.  Let’s pray and get started.


Precious Heavenly Father, would You open our hearts and minds to You today as we read Your Word.  Would You please reveal something new to us as we spend time with You.  Will You encourage us and instruct us and convict us and give us hope, today?  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


We have three divisions today:

1.The letter to the Hebrews says: Jesus is the faithful Son (Hebrews 3:1-6)

2.The letter to the Hebrews says: Do not harden your hearts, but encourage one another (Hebrews 3:7-13)

3.The letter to the Hebrews says: Hold your original conviction firmly and don’t harden your hearts (Hebrews 3:14-19)


Read Hebrews 3:1-6.


This third chapter of Hebrews starts off with some wonderful advice: “fix your thoughts on Jesus.”  How would our lives be different if we did this?  Would we be more positive and less negative?  Would we be more confident and less afraid?  How different would our moods and responses be to situations that challenge us?  Would we see more purpose in our lives?  Might we see how God uses challenges for our good, to prosper us and not harm us, to give us hope and a future?  Might this take our focus off the temporal and place it firmly on the eternal?  What habits might we develop if we fix our thoughts on Jesus?  Would doing this encourage you to spend time with God the Father consistently and at the beginning of your day?  Would doing this give prayer a different priority in your day?  Would it change how you prioritize people?


Is doing this even possible?  Well, if you are born again, you have been given the mind of Christ.  And Christ fixed His thoughts on God the Father.  So, I would say, yes, it is certainly possible.  Willingness and discipline and reliance on God to do it are the key factors, here.  One discipline we can put into practice is praying that God will lead you to think on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8) – in other words, Jesus!  And pray that He would make your mind resistant to dwelling on things that aren’t.  Pray that He would empower you to drag your thoughts back when they stray.


When you find yourself saying or thinking “I”, stop and replace it with “He” or “Jesus”, and put the focus back on Him!  A great challenge.  May the name of Jesus ever be on your lips, friend.


Verse two says Jesus was “faithful to the One who appointed Him.”  If we are dying to ourselves, taking up our cross, and following Jesus, we will be faithful to God, too.  Faithfulness is part of the fruit of the Spirit.  If we abide in Christ and He abides in us, we will bear this fruit.  Here, the author mentions Moses and his faithfulness.  Remember this letter is an attempt to encourage Hebrew Christians not to abandon their new faith in favor of returning to their former Jewish practices.  So, revealing that Moses was faithful in verse two but then declaring in verse three that Jesus is worthy of greater honor than Moses because the builder of the house has greater honor than the house he built.  We’ll circle back to this in a minute.  Verse four declares God is the builder of everything.  Verse five says Moses is faithful as a servant in God’s house.  Verse six says Jesus is faithful as the Son over God’s house, and, circling back to verse three, WE ARE HIS HOUSE.  Moses is His house.


Principle 1:  Jesus’ people are called to be faithful, fixing their thoughts on Jesus.


Application 1.How will you refocus your thoughts on Jesus when they stray?  What do you need to let go of to keep your thoughts from straying?


Let’s keep reading.


Read Hebrews 3:7-13.


So, if you hear His voice today, do not delay.  Act on what He says.  Don’t harden your hearts by refusing to listen to His direction.  This is rebellious behavior.  The author of the letter reminds the recipients of their Israelite history: wandering in the desert for forty years because of their rebellion against God.  He worked miracles to liberate them from Egyptian slavery and they complained and were ungrateful and didn’t trust God.  Ooh, how do we do the same things?


I work with someone who finds something to complain about as soon as they get to the office.  Even if I’ve had a great day so far, the minute they start, I feel my attitude start to sink.  I have to pray really hard to not fall into that pit!  Sometimes I recognize that I cannot put up a fight and make sure I am elsewhere in the building when they arrive.  Many days, I lose the fight altogether and start complaining with them.  The state of mind created by complaining and ungratefulness increases anxiety and actually creates stress.  And this passage talks about not entering God’s rest.  There is a two-fold meaning, here.  If you aren’t born again, you will not enter God’s rest in eternity.  If you refuse to listen to God’s voice, but you are born again, you will not enter God’s rest until you reach eternity.  Yes, it is possible to find peace in the midst of the storm when you cling to the Prince of Peace.  So, finding God’s rest is possible here on earth.  Do you want that peace?  I certainly do.


Complaining is contagious.  But I want to share a secret with you.  Positivity is contagious, too.  Thankfulness can become a habit, but it needs to start as a discipline.  I keep a list of things I’m thankful for in my prayer app on my phone.  When I go through my prayer time every morning, one of the items on my list is to express thankfulness.  If I can’t think of anything off the top of my head, I prime the pump by reciting items off my list.  This usually brings additional things to mind, and I add those to my list.  I also keep a thankfulness journal that I make a point to write in every night before I go to bed.  I write, “Today was a great day…” and I list the things God did.  This will be something I can refer back to when things are challenging and I have a hard time seeing, hearing or feeling God.  Encouragement from my own hand and experience!


This author of Hebrews says we should encourage each other every day.  Encouragement can give someone the little burst of enthusiasm they need to keep on going when the journey is difficult.  When we encourage, we uplift.  When we encourage, we impart courage to someone else.  That creates a point of trust between the two of you.  This opens the heart, reduces anxiety and eliminates stress.  It makes you look different than the rest of the world, which practices the “art” of cutting others down to build up self.  When we look different than the world and people are hungry for something other than the world, they will ask why you’re different and you’ll have an opportunity to share your faith.  When you share your faith, you may touch the heart of the other person and they will give their heart to Jesus.  Or, if they’re already a Christian, you will strengthen a bond with a brother or sister.  Isn’t it amazing how something so simple can be so impactful?


Principle 2:  Jesus’ people encourage each other to prevent hard hearts.


Application 2.What have you learned from brothers and sisters in Christ about how to encourage others?  Where could you benefit from some encouragement?  What will you do differently now that you understand the power of encouragement?


Just a few more verses.


Read Hebrews 3:14-19.


Avoiding a hardened heart is very important to the author of this letter to Hebrew believers.  We must be careful to nurture belief in Jesus and focus on God.  Sometimes we need to preach the Gospels to ourselves, don’t we?  We must be involved in each other’s lives, encouraging one another toward love and good deeds, and warning one another against evil and belief in false doctrine.  We must guard ourselves and each other against being deceived.


One of my huge takeaways from the Bible study “Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby is how the Canadian Mounted Police Counterfeit unit prepares to catch counterfeit currency.  They don’t do this by studying the counterfeit.  They study the genuine article.  They come to know the genuine so well that the counterfeit stands out like a sore thumb!  We need to do the same with Scripture.  We need to know Scripture so well…  We need to know God so well that we recognize His voice, His character, His ways…and, therefore CANNOT be fooled by the enemy who tries to impersonate.


How is your faithfulness?  Will you be faithful to the end?  Or will you be blown and tossed by the wind?  Will you hold firmly to belief in the truth?  Or will you believe anything a certain person says?  Are you hearing God’s voice for yourself?  Are you obeying what He says?  The indication here is that, if you ignore God’s voice, your heart will grow resistant to that voice.  I certainly don’t want that condition to exist in my walk with God.  The fact that I’m a believer and have been faithful is not necessarily a forever safeguard according to verses 16-19.  Your relationship with God is a constant, flowing, dynamic, living thing.  It was God’s own people who rebelled against Him in the desert!  It was people who should have known better who disobeyed Him!  Their rebellion, their disobedience led to unbelief and kept them from entering God’s rest!


Do you want to experience God’s rest in the here and now?  You can only do that by humbling yourself, and leaning on God by acknowledging Who He is!


Principle 3:  Unbelief leads to hard hearts, rebellion, sin and disobedience.


Application 3.Where do you struggle with unbelief and how do you combat it?  How might you encourage others to prevent unbelief in them?  What alerts you to the presence of unbelief in your life?


How has God encouraged you, lately?  How has someone else pointed out to you God’s answers to your prayer?  How might you point out God’s activity in someone else’s life?  Keep your eyes, ears and heart open.  And ask Him to reveal His fingerprints and footprints to you.  Let’s pray.

Holy Father, thank You for Your Word.  Thank You that You reveal something new every time I spend time with You.  I pray it’s the same for everyone reading this post.  Would you open our eyes to see Your activity in our lives and other’s lives, so we can encourage ourselves and others.  Thank you for caring about us.  Thank You for sending Jesus to die for our sins so we can draw close to You.  It’s in His name and for His fame that we pray.  Amen.


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