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Matthew 24 - Devotional Content

Do you like a good mystery?  Have you invested hours of your time reading a book or watching a television show, attempting to figure out whodunit?  Have you been so frustrated trying to figure it out that you have to turn to the end of the book?  Or have you stumbled across a spoiler that ruined multiple seasons of binge-watching?  In our study of Matthew 24 this week, a mystery is revealed as Jesus tells the disciples the signs of the end times.

Let’s pray together.  Holy Father, open our eyes to the truth today.  Show us something we’ve never seen before.  Transform our hearts and minds as we read the Scriptures.  Plant Your Word in us and water it so it will grow and give us truth to speak into others and preach to ourselves when times are tough.  I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


By the time we finish today, I want you to understand that Jesus is coming back for His people and each person must choose if he or she will be among them.  Prayerfully examine your heart while you read this.  Have you accepted Christ’s free gift of salvation?  If you haven’t, I beg you not to delay.  Do it now.  Preferably before you read another word.  But feel free to stop and pray at any time.


We have three divisions today:


1.Jesus tells the disciples about when the end will come. (Mt 24:1-14)

2.Jesus tells the disciples about signs before the Son of Man gathers His elect. (Mt. 24:15-33)

3.Jesus tells the disciples to keep watch, be ready and faithful to Him. (Mt. 24:34-51)


Let’s get started.


Read Matthew 24:1-2.


Jesus just finished speaking woes against the Pharisees and teachers of the law.  He and His disciples are leaving the temple and they call His attention to the buildings.  In verse 2, Jesus says “…not one stone will be left on another…”  This utter destruction happened in 70 AD when the Romans under Titus destroyed the temple.  This comment prompts the disciples to ask about the signs of the end.


Read Matthew 24:3-8.


Jesus tells the disciples to keep watch.  He indicates that deceivers claiming to be the Messiah are coming.  He tells them (and us, through Matthew’s writing) what to watch for: hearing about wars – check - and rumors of wars - check, but not to be alarmed.  Nation will rise against nation - check.  Kingdom against kingdom - check.  There will be famines – check – and earthquakes - check.  These are beginning of birth pains to usher in the end of the age.  As I hear about the things in this list, I am reminded to be watchful.  Are you?


Read Matthew 24:9-14.


Whoa, wait a minute.  Handed over to be persecuted.  Put to death.  Hated by all nations.  Many will turn away from the faith.  (To avoid persecution and death, perhaps?)  They will betray and hate each other.  False prophets will appear and deceive.  Wickedness increase.  Love of most will grow cold.  I don’t want to check off any of these!  But I see Christians being persecuted.  I hear about Christians being put to death.  Hated.  I see an increase in wickedness.  I see love growing cold.  Honestly, some days I feel my own love growing cold.  I don’t want to rely on my own love.  I totally need to rely on the Holy Spirit’s love!  I pray God overpowers my love with His often!  Fill me with Your love, Jesus!  Fill those reading this right now with Your love!!!


“…the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”  Hmm.  Since you can’t lose your salvation, this verse tells me that standing firm is a byproduct of true belief.  We will know who the true believers are by how we finish.  So what does standing firm look like in your life?  Are you the only believer in your household?  Do you face ridicule at work because of your faith?  If you are standing firm in the name of Jesus, remember:  He stands with you.


The end will come after the gospel of the kingdom is preached in the whole world.  I just want to point to a passage of Scripture here.  Take a look at Psalm 19:1-6.  Creation declares the glory of God.  Fat forward to Romans 1:20.  No one has an excuse for denying God!  He has made Himself known.


Principle 1:  Jesus said, “…the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”


Applications:  What needs to change in your heart or your thinking to help you “stand firm to the end”?  How will you withstand the pressures and pains of this life while you wait for Christ’s return?  We are not promised an easy journey.  There will be no peace until the Prince of Peace returns.  But He can fill His people with peace that surpasses understanding.  I don’t understand it, but I’ve experienced it.  How about you?


Let’s keep going.


Read Matthew 24:15-22.


“So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel – let the reader understand – then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”  The abomination that causes desolation.  What is this?  In my Bible, that reference is footnoted with three verses in the Old Testament book of Daniel.  Let’s take a look at these treasure-filled verses.  Daniel 9:27 speaks about the antichrist confirming a covenant with many.  In the midst of this covenant, he will put an end to sacrifices and offerings.  And he will set up an abomination that causes desolation.  Historical note.  In 167 BC, King Antiochus IV Epiphanes desecrated the temple in Jerusalem by erecting an altar to Zeus and sacrificing a pig on it.  This was an abomination.  Since Jesus spoke these words well after the occurrence of this event, it would stand to reason that something similar will happen again.  So the temple will need to be rebuilt at some point in the future.


Daniel 11:31 talks about armed forces rising up to desecrate the temple fortress and abolish the daily sacrifice.  Since the destruction of the temple in 70 AD, there have been no sacrifices or offerings because there is no temple.  Though, it appears from these passages that the temple will be rebuilt, sacrifices will be reinstituted in conjunction with a covenant between the antichrist and “many,” and in the midst of that covenant, he will put an end to the sacrifices.


Daniel 12:11 says: “From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1290 days.  This is roughly 3.5 years.  The Bible has a bit more to say about 3.5 years.  Do a study on it for yourself.  Check out James 5:17, Revelation 11:2-3, Revelation 12:6.  Also, the last chapter of the book of Daniel and the last chapter of the book of Zechariah will shed light on Matthew 24:15-28.  Let’s keep moving.


Those in Judea are supposed to flee when they see this.  Do not pass go, do not collect $200.  Just run.  To the mountains. Go!  Don’t go back for a cloak.  These days will be dreadful for pregnant women and nursing mothers.  Pregnant women may have trouble moving quickly.  Nursing mothers cannot stop and may have difficulty quieting their babies.  Jesus says to pray that this flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. Why?  It may be challenging to find help on the Sabbath.  Winter would make travel more hazardous overall.  Verses 21 and 22 indicate that the magnitude of this event is life threatening to all mankind.


Read Matthew 24:23-28.


Jesus is warning the disciples (and Matthew’s readers) that false messiahs and false prophets will come.  They will perform signs and wonders.  They might possibly deceive God’s chosen people.  Jesus warns us not to believe the lie.  The Son of Man will come like lightning.  A sudden event.  That is visible far and wide.  But undeniable.  Just like vultures identifying the presence of a carcass.


Read Matthew 24:29-33.


Jesus talks about heavenly signs and declares that all peoples will mourn when they see Him coming in the clouds.  Then the trumpet call will sound and He will gather His people.  Watch for the signs.  When you see them, you’ll know His return is near.


Principle 2:  Jesus will return to gather His people and take them to heaven.


Applications:  How are you preparing yourself to withstand distress and discern what is false?  What do you need to do to be ready for Christ’s return?  Do you know Him as your Lord and Savior?  What are you waiting for?  Let’s wrap this up.


Read Matthew 24:34-42.


One point of view states “this generation” refers to the generation that is alive when these things come to pass.  “This generation” will get to see it all.  Heaven and earth will pass away.  What we see is temporary.  God’s word is eternal.  His love and teaching lasts forever.


Only God the Father knows when all of this will happen.  Not even Jesus knows.  People at the time when these events unfold will be like they were at the time of Noah and the flood: disbelieving, chasing their pleasures, living for today.  They will be overtaken.  Suddenly surprised.  Two people working together, one will be taken, the other left.  Keep watch.


Read Matthew 24:43-51.


This last group of verses emphasizes Jesus’ warning to be watchful and encourages integrity and honesty and humility.  What will you be doing when Jesus returns?  Will He say you are a faithful and wise servant?  Or will He call you a wicked servant?


Principle 3:  Jesus’ people don’t look like the rest of the world.


Applications:  Who or what is your master, and what does it look like for you to be faithful to your master?


Does anyone remember those bumper stickers from a while back that said: “In case of Rapture, this car will be UNMANNED”?  Do your unsaved loved ones know what to do if you just disappear one day?  Have you talked with them about the rapture?  About how to be saved?  What have you left for them to find that will lead them to the truth and how to obtain eternal life?  Do you need to create an “In Case of Emergency” box for them?  It may save them in the last days.


Life can feel like a mystery.  But the fact that Jesus is the only way to heaven is not a mystery at all.  Jesus says He is the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Him.  Start your relationship with Jesus today.  Take the mystery out of where you will spend eternity.


Let’s pray.  Father-God, I come to You in the name of Jesus to ask that You don’t let anyone walk away from this passage without examining their relationship with You.  Prick our hearts to reach out to You and pull us close when we do.  If anyone reading this doesn’t know You, reveal Yourself to them in such a way that they cannot imagine going one more day without You.  Bow our hearts before you and lead us in the next steps You desire for us to take in our lives.  Amen.


If you would like to pray to accept Jesus as your Savior, I’ve included a prayer here for you.  After you pray, tell a Christian friend or a Pastor in a Bible-preaching church.  They will help you get on a life-long journey with Jesus.


Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner and I need a Savior.  I know You died on the cross for my sins, and I thank You for doing that.  I know You rose from the dead and You promise that I, as Your child, will rise and be with You for eternity.  I give my life to You and ask You to guide me as I seek to live for You.  Be glorified in me, Jesus. Amen.


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