Content (not
sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):
8:1-2 Saul agree w/puttg2death,that dd perscutn
v/church,all excpt apost scattrd;devout m burid Steph
3-8 Saul ravge church,m&w2prisn;those scattrd preachg
Wd;Phil2Sam,crowds pay attn,saw signs,grt joy
9-13 Simon prev sorcery claim2b grt;all pd attn;they bel
Phil,bap,Simon bel,bap,follo Phil,amazed
14-16 Apos@Jerus heard Sam rec woG,sent P&Jn;prayed
rec HS,hands,rec HS,(only bap name of J)
17-25 Sim saw S gvn by hands,offr $:gv me pwr hands,Spirit;P:ur
hrt right;repnt;S:pray4me;bk2Jerus
26-30 AoL2Phil:go S,rd2Gaza,went;Ethi eunuch,off
Queen,treas,read Isa;Spir2Phil:go;P:u undstd read?
31-34 sm1 guide,invit Phil;Scr:lk sheep2sltr,lamb
silent,justc denied,life tkn;who this abt?proph or else?
35-38 Phil tell gd news J beg w/that Scr;as trvlg,h2o,wht
kp me from bap;Phil bap
39-40 cm out h2o,Spirt carry Phil away;eun
rejoice;Phil2Azotus prchg2Caesarea
9:1-4 Saul thrts/mrdr v.disc;2HP,req ltrs 2Damscs brng
prsnrs2Jerus;nearg Dam;light;fall;S,yu pers me?
5-8 who ruL;J,1u pers,get up,go city,u told what do;men
w/him spchless;hearg,seeing;Saul see,led2Dam
9-11 see3dd,eat,drnk;L2Ananias
vision:go st calld Straight,hs Judas,ask4m frm Tarsus,Saul,prayg
12-14 visn seen Ananias plcg hds regain sight;L,I hrd abt
m,harm2ur saints Jerus,authrty from CP arrest
15-16 L:go,m my chosn instrmt tk nom Gents,kings,Is;I
show himhow much he suffer4my nom
17-19a A went,hds:Bro Saul,LJ appr2u snt me sight,b filld
w/HS;scales frm eyes,bap,food,reg strngth
19b-21 Saul Dam sm time;Immed proc J syngog:SoG;All
hrd/astound:isn’t this m caus havoc,prisners2CP
22-25 S grew strngr,kpt prvng J=Mess;Jews conspire kill
him;disc lowr him in basket thru opening in wall
26-27 arr Jerus,tried join disc,they afraid, Barnabbas
brt him2Apos,expl how seen L,in Dam spk boldly
28-29 S cmg/going w/them spkg boldly in nom of
L;convrsd/debatd w/Hellenistic Jews,they tried kill him
30 bros found out,tk him2Caesarea,sent him2Tarsus
Divisions (run-on
sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each
1.Persecution and the spread of the Gospel (8:1-40)
2.Christ chooses Saul to take His name to Gentiles, kings
and Israel (9:1-16)
3.Ananias restores Saul’s sight, who begins preaching
boldly in the name of Jesus (9:17-30)
Subject Sentence (10-word
sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
Persecution spreads the name of Jesus outside Jerusalem.
Aim (“To Cause My
Audience To…” Know, See, Desire etc.):
TCMATK God’s people will experience persecution and it is
for our good and God’s glory.
Application (not
yes or no question. Meant to bring about
heart change):
1.Where have you taken the Gospel as a result of
challenging circumstances?
2.How is God transforming and preparing you to serve Him?
3.How have others encouraged and supported you in doing
the Lord’s work?
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