Content (not
sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):
13:10-14 Sabbat J tchg syngog;wm cripld18y;J:u free;immed
str,praisd G;syngog ldr:6d4wk,b heald Sabb
15-20 L:hypcrts!Shldn’t wm b free;opp humilitd;J:wht koG
lk?must sd→tree,birds perch;wht
cmpr koG2
21-25 Yeast mixd thru dough;J tch2Jerus;sm1:L only few
savd?he:enter narrow door;ownr close
26-31 we ate w/u,u taught;away
evildoers;weepg/gnashg;last-1st,1st-last;Phar:Herod want
kill u
32-35 3rdd goal;press on;Jerus,u kill
proph,long gathr ur childrn;ur hs desolate;see me till blessed he cm
14:1-6 Sabb J eat@Phar;man swellg;J:lawfl heal
Sabb?silnt,heald;child ox in2 well Sabb pull out?say
7-11 noticd guests pickd plcs honr;tk pl
honr;humiliated;tk lowest plc,host mv,honrd;exalt self b humbld
12-17 gv lunch/dinnr,invite poor,u
blessd/repd@resurr;blssd1eat feast koG;man prep banq,sent svt:cm
18-24 mk excuse-bought fld,oxen,married;svt rpt,owner
angry:bring poor;svt:done;no1invite,taste banq
25-30 J2crwd:any1cm2me h8 fr,mr…life,carry
cross discpl;want bld twr,est cost,enuf$;able fin,ridicule
31-35 king2war,able,ask4pc;those gv up
evrythg discpl;salt lose saltnss,how md salty,fit4soil nor manure
15:1-7 tax coll gathr;Phar:eat w/sinnrs;parble:100
sheep,lose1,leave99;finds,joyfully hm;rejoic hvn1sinnr
8-20 10sil coins,lost/fnd/rejoice;1 sinnr rpnts;2sons,youngr:gv
estate;wild lvg,strvg,go bk;fr saw,cmpssn
21-32 I sinnd,feast;celebrt;oldr son angry;fr plead:evrythg
16:1-8 J2disc:rich man,mgr accusd waste;calld debtrs,900gal
oo→450,1000bushl wht→800;mstr cmend
9-14 use wrldly welth2gain amis;whoevr trustd w/lil can b
trusted much;can’t srv2mstr;G&$;Phar sneer
15-31 u jstfy selvs,G know♥,divrc→adultry;send beggr Laz2bros;if listn Mos/proph,convncd
17:1-4 things cause stmbl cm,woe any1 thru whom;bettr
thrown sea;if bro sins,rebuke,if repent,4gv
5-8 Incrs r faith;if sm as must sd u say tree:b
uprootd,it obey;svt cm frm field,sit eat?prep suppr
9-10 will he thank svt bec did wht told2do;so u also should
say we unworthy svts, only done duty
Divisions (run-on
sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each
1.Jesus heals on the Sabbath, teaches about planning and
saltiness (Lk 13:10-14:35)
Principle: Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath.
2.Jesus teaches in parables about lost things and trust and
confronts Pharisees (Lk 15-16)
Principle: Jesus is the Supreme Authority.
3.Jesus teaches about stumbling, faith and servanthood
(Lk 17)
Principle: Jesus is the Ultimate Teacher.
Subject Sentence (10-word
sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
Jesus performs Sabbath healings, teaches in parables and confronts
Aim (“To Cause My
Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):
TCMATK Jesus’ teachings are pertinent today, making the
Bible worth studying.
Application (not
yes or no question. Meant to bring about
heart change):
1.What methods do you use to be sure Jesus is in charge
of your plans?
2.How are you serving and honoring God and His people in
the ministry He has entrusted you with?
3.What are you doing to ensure you don’t lead another
person to stumble in their faith?