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Homiletics 1 Samuel 25-27

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

1.Sam died,Is assmbl/mourn,D2DsrtParan;welthy Nabal-Carml,Abi intelgnt;Nabal mean-Calebite(25:1-3)

2.D sent10yung men2Nab@Carml;ur shep we mistreat;gv svts whevr u can;men gv msg, wait(4-9)

3.Nab:who D?Y I tk br/h2o/meat4my shearrs&gv2men frm who know where;D men went bk,rptd(10-12)

4.D:strap on swords;400 men w/D,200 w/supplies;svt told Abi: D men gut2us,mastr wickd(13-16)

5.Abi 200br,2wine,5shp,grn,100ck raisn,200ck fig,tell Nab;D:Nab pd evil;G deal w/me if lv1m live(17-22)

6.Abi bowd:pardn svt,pay attn2wckd Nab,fool;I see ur men;L kpt u frm avngng,gift2men(23-27)

7.4gv;L mk dynsty bec u fght L bttls,wrongdng in u;ur life bnd by L;enems lives hurld as frm sling(28-29)

8.when L fulfill prom,rem svt;D:prs L who sent u,kpt me frm blodshd;L kp me frm harmg u/males(30-34)

9.D: go in pc;Nab drunk;AM Abi told what happnd,his heart failed;10d later died(35-38)

10.D sent svts ask Abi2b wife;quickly went,becam wife;D also marr Ahinoam;S gv Michal2Paltiel(39-44)


11.Ziphites2Saul:isn’t D hiding Hakilah?S w/3000 troops,md camp Hakilah,D lrnd S arrived(26:1-4)

12.D saw S&Abner,cmdr Army,lying w/Army around him;D:who go w/me2S?Abishai go(5-6)

13.S asleep spear in grd by head,Abnr/soldats around;Abishai:G deld enemy,let me pin him2grd(7-8)

14.D:don’t! L strike him;D tk spear/h2o jug near head;no1saw/woke;L D stood away called Abner(9-14)

15.D:Y u guard king?Where spear/jug?S recog D voce; D:y u pursuing svt?S:I sind,try harm u again(15-21)

16.Here=spear;L rewrd rtnes/f8flns;as I value ur life,may L value mine:S2D:b blesd,D went, S2hm(22-25)


17.D:1dI destroyd by S,I escape2Phil,S gv up srch;D+600 2Gath w/fam;S no longer search(27:1-4)

18.D2Achish:assign me town2live;Achish gv Ziklag,belong2kings Judah since;D live Phil terr 1y4m(5-7)

19.D+men raid Geshurts,Girzits,Amalekts;D lv m/w alive,tk sheep,cattle,donky,clothes,ret2Achish(8-9)

20.Ach:where raid?D:Negev;lv m/w live2inform; Achish trust D-he becm obnox2ppl,my svt4life(10-12)


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.David buries Samuel, is insulted by Nabal and marries Nabal’s widow, Abigail. (25)

Principle:  The Lord blesses the teachable.

2.David spares Saul again. (26)

Principle:  The Lord defines the days of our lives.

3.David, his men and their families live in Philistine territory. (27)

Principle:  The Lord guards His people wherever they go.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

David marries Abigail, spares Saul and lives in Philistine territory.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATK God’s people, though still “people”, are different from the world in that we seek to please God through confession, repentance and forgiveness.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.How do you  point yourself back to Jesus and keep yourself from reacting to circumstances based on emotion?

2.In today’s world, who are “the Lord’s anointed” and how are you being a protector of those individuals?  What needs to change in your thinking so you aren’t tempted to “pin them to the ground”?

3.In what areas does your thinking and behavior resemble “the world” and how will you ask God to transform your heart so they resemble Christ?


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