Content (not
sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):
1.I convinced brosis u full of
2.I’ve written u boldly on some pts2remind u bec of grace
G gave me 2b minister of CJ2Gents (15-16a)
3.He gave me priestly duty proclaim Gosp of G so Gents
might becm offring accept2G,sanctfd by HS(16b)
4.T4 I glory in CJ in my svc2G. I venture 2speak
of anything except what G accompl thru me(17-18a) leadng Gents2obey Gby what I’ve said/done by pwr of
signs/wondrs thru pwr of Spirit of G(18b-19a) from Jerus to Illyricum I’ve fully proclaimed Gosp
of Christ(19b)
7.It’s always been my ambition2preach gosp where C known
so I bldg on some1 else’s foundation(20)
8.rather as it’s written: those told about him
will see & those who heard will understd(21)
9.this is why I often hindered from coming2u(22) that there’s place 4me2wk in these
regions&since I been longing4many yrs2visit u(23)
11.I plan2when I go Spain. I hope2c u/have u assist me on
my jrny after I’ve enjoyd ur co awhile(24)
12.Now I on my way to Jerus in svc of L’s ppl there(25)
13.Macedonia&Achaia pleased2mk contrib2poor among L’s
ppl in Jerus(26)
14.They pleasd2do it& owe it2them,4if Gents share
Jews spirit blessgs, they owe them matl blessgs(27) after I’ve completed this&made sure they recd
contrib,I go Spain&visit u on way(28)
16.I know when I come,I come in full measure of blessing
of Christ(29)
17.I urge you brosis by LJC&Love of Spirit2join me in
my struggle by praying4me(30)
18.Pray I Kept safe from unbelievers in
Judea&contrib. be favorably recd by L’s ppl(31) I may come2u w/joy by G’s will&in ur co be
20.The G of peace be w/u all. Amen(33)
Divisions (run-on
sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each
1.Paul’s Duty to the Gentiles (14-19)
Principle: Christ people share Him with others.
2.Paul’s Plan to Visit Rome and Spain After a Trip to
Jerusalem (20-29)
Principle: Christ’s people evangelize throughout the
3.Paul’s Urging for Prayer(30-33)
Principle: Christ’s people to pray for each other.
Subject Sentence (10-word
sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
Paul asks Romans to pray for his travels to minister.
Aim (“To Cause My
Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):
TCMATK Every Christian has a ministry to spread the
Gospel throughout the world and we have the honor to join each other’s mission
through prayer.
Application (not
yes or no question. Meant to bring about
heart change. R-Root, F-Fruit):
1.(R/F)How is God preparing you to serve Him and where
are you using those things He’s teaching you?
2.(F)What plans are you making to share Christ with
others and how will you put those plans into action?
(R)What thinking needs to change for you to “go to the
ends of the earth” to share Christ?
3.(R/F)How have your prayers for others changed your
thinking and how you pray for yourself?