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Homiletics Romans 11:1-32

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

1.did G reject His ppl?No!I Israelite,desc of Abraham,Benjamin,G reject His ppl,who He 4knew (1-2a)

2.Scr:Elijah appeal2G v. Is:L they killd ur prophets& torn dn ur altars;I only1left&they trying kill me (2-3)

3.G’s ans:I reseverd 7000 who bowed to Baal;@pres there is remnant chosn by grace(4-5)

4.if by grace,based on wks;if it were,grace no longer grace; What ppl of Is sought earnestly,obtain(6-7a)

5. Elect did, others hardened:G gave them spirit of stupor, eyes that see,ears that hear. (7b-8)

6. David:May their tble b snare/trap/stumblg blk/retrib; May eyes b dkend so see/backs bent4evr (9-10)


7.Did they stumble beyond recovery?N!Bec of their transgression,salv cm2Gents2mk Is envious(11)

8.if trans mean riches4wrld,their loss mean riches4Gents,how much>riches their full inclusion bring!(12)

9.I2Gents.Inasmuch I apostle2Gents,I take pride in ministry in hope I arouse my ppl&save some(13-14)

10.if their reject brought reconciliation2wrld,what will their acceptance b but life frm dead?(15)


11.if root holy,so r branches;if some broken,u,wild shoot,grafted in&share nourishg sap frm root(16-17)

12.consider urself superior.U support root,root support u.u:branches broken so I be grafted in(18-19)

13.they broke bec unbelief,u stand by faith,be arrgant,tremble;if G spare natural branchs,spare u(20-21)

14.considr kindnss/sternness of G:stern2who fell,kind2u provided u cont in His kindnss or u cut off(22)

15.if they persist unbelief,graftd in;if wild graft in2cultiv8d tree,how natl branch graft2own tree!(22-24)


16.want u b ignornt so u conceited:Is exper hardng in part til full#Gents cm;this way all Is saved(25-26a)

17.writn:deliverr cm frm Zion;turn Glessnss frm Jacob.This my covnt w/em when I tk away sins(26b-27) gosp concrnd,they enemies4ur sake;election, lvd on acct o patriarchs;G’s gifts/call irrevocbl(28-29)

19.u disobed,recd mercy as result their disobed;now they may recv mercy as result G mercy2u(30-31)

20.4G bound evry1over2 disobed so He have mercy on all(32)


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.God’s remnant: chosen by grace (1-10)

Principle: God does not reject His people.

2.God’s kindness: Israel’s rejection brought restoration to the world (11-24)

(…grafting wild Gentiles into a cultivated tree and the natural branch Israel back to its own root)

Principle: God is the Master Gardener, grafting Gentiles (and later Israel’s remnant) into Israel’s tree rooted in salvation.

3.God’s mercy: for all (25-32)

Principle: God is merciful to the disobedient.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

God’s grace and mercy graft Gentiles into Israel’s tree.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATK God is mercy, kindness and grace.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.What have you prepared to share with the person whose eyes God just opened to see Christ?

2.How do you maintain a humble heart and help other Christians to do the same?

3.In what ways has your mercifulness toward others changed since you gave your heart to Christ and how could that part of you resemble Him better?


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