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Homiletics: Romans 9:1-29

Content (not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):

1.I spk truth in C-I’m lying; conscience testifying2me w/HS-I have intense sorrow/anguish in heart(1-2)

2.4I could almost wish2b cursed/cut off from Messiah4benefit of my bros,my own flesh&blood(3)

3.They’re Israelites&2them belong the adoption/glry/covnts/giving of Law/temple svc/promises(4)

4.The ancestrs are theirs&from them,by phys descent,came Mess Who is G over all,praisd4evr.Amen(5)

5.But it as tho word of G failed,4 all who descended from Israel are Israel(6)

6.neither r they all children bec they Abe’s descendants;au contraire ur offspr will b traced thru Isaac(7) children of phys descent who r Gs but children of promise;stmt of promise:Sarah will hv son(8-9)

8.also Rebekah rec’d promise when she bec preg by Isaac(10)

9.4tho her sons born yet or done good or bad so Gs purpose according2election stand(11)

10.frm works but frm One Who calls-she told:older will srv youngr;as writn:I lvd Jacob, h8d Esau(12-13)

11.What shld we say?Is thr injustc w/G?Abs not!He tell Moses:I sho mercy/compass2whom I will (14-15) depend on human will/effort but G Who shows mercy(16)

13.4Scr tells Pharoah:Iraised u so I may display my pwr/my name proclaimd in all earth(17)

14.He sho mercy/hardens those He wants; u2me:why He still find fault?Who can resist His will?(18-19)

15.Who r u2talk back2G?Will what formed say”y u make me like this?”(20)

16.has pottr rt2mk1 4honr&1 4dishonr?What if G endur w/patnc obj o wrath ready4destructn?(21-22)

17.What if He did this2mk known riches o His glry2obj o mercy He prepd4glry frm Jews & Gents?(23-24)

18.He in Hosea:I’ll call my ppl, my ppl/unlvd-belvd&in plc they told u my ppl,calld sons of living G(25-26)

19.Isa concrng Is:tho#Is sons like sand,only remnant saved;L execute completely/decisively(27-28)

20.if L left us offspr, we become like Sodom/Gomorrah(29)


Divisions (run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division):

1.Paul’s Sorrow and Anguish Over Israel(1-5)

Principle: God brought salvation of mankind through the Jews.

2.God’s Election of Israel(6-13)

Principle: God’s will is forecast (revealed) in His promises.

3.God’s Just Election of Jews and Gentiles(14-29)

Principle: God has a plan and a purpose for every life.


Subject Sentence (10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):

Paul writes Romans about his anguish and God’s just election.


Aim (“To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):

TCMATK God’s children aren’t limited to the descendants of Abraham.


Application (not yes or no question.  Meant to bring about heart change):

1.How does your sorrow over non-believers missing out on eternity with Christ change your attitude about sharing Christ with those who don’t know Him?

2.What do God’s promises and their fulfillment in these verses teach you about “election” and how does this affect how you witness to others?

3.What does God’s inclusion of Gentiles in His family tell you about His salvation plan for mankind and who might you include in your evangelism that you hadn’t previously considered worthy?


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