Content (not
sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line):
1.T4 let sin reign in ur body so u obey its evil
desires (12)
2.offer any part of urself2sin rather offer
selves2G&offer evry part of self as instrument of rtness(13)
3.sin shall no longer be ur master, bec u under
law, but under grace(14)
4.shall we sin bec we under law? No. Don’t u know
u slaves of1u obey:sin or obedience(15-16)
5.thx2G tho u used2be slaves2sin,u’ve cm2obey frm ur
<3 allegiance="" claimd="" font="" of="" pattrn="" teachg="" that="" ur="">
6.u’ve been set free frm sin&have become
7.I usng ex frm evryday life bec of hum limits.Just as u
used2offr selves as slaves2impurty wickdnss(19a) now offer selves2rtness leading2hioliness(19b)
9.when u were slaves2sin,u were free frm ctrl of
10.what benefit did u reap@the time frm the things u
ashamed of?These result in death(21)
11.but now u set free frm sin&bec slaves of G,
benefit u reap leads2holiness&result=EL(22)
12.4wages of sin=death but gift of G=EL in CJ our L(23)
Divisions (run-on
sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each
1.Instrument of wickedness or righteousness (12-14)
Principle: All people are either instruments of
wickedness or righteousness.
2.Slaves of the one you obey (15-18)
Principle: All people choose what they obey.
3.Offer yourselves as slaves to righteousness (19-23)
Principle: All people offer themselves as slaves to
either wickedness or righteousness.
Subject Sentence (10-word
sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture):
Paul tells Romans: don’t let sin reign, be righteousness’
Aim (“To Cause My
Audience To…” Know, See, etc.):
TCMATK Everyone chooses either death or eternal life by
what we obey.
Application (not
yes or no question. Meant to bring about
life change):
1.How will you change your behavior to be more of an
instrument of righteousness than wickedness from now on?
2.What would those who watch your behavior say you’re a
slave to and how might you guarantee they recognize you as a slave to Christ?
3.What will you do this week to deepen your enslavement
to righteousness?