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Homiletics James 3-5

Written 4/12/12 - BSF 2011-2012 Acts


  1. Jam 3:1-2 - Not many should teach, judged strictly, all stumble, never fault what says, perfect man.
  2. Jam 3:3-4 - bits mouths horses turn whole animal. Ships, large, driven by strong winds, steered by very small rudder.
  3. Jam 3:5-6 - tongue small, great boasts. great forest fire by small spark.  tongue is fire, world of evil. corrupts whole person, sets course of life on fire, set on fire by hell.
  4. Jam 3:7-10 - animals, birds, reptiles, creatures of sea tamed by man, no tame tongue. restless evil, deadly poison.  praise Lord, curse men God's likeness.  same mouth praise cursing. should not be.
  5. Jam 3:11-12 - fresh salt water same spring?  fig tree bear olives, grapevine, figs? Neither can salt spring produce fresh water.
  6. Jam 3:13-16 - Wise understanding? show good life, deeds in humility wisdom.  if harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition, do not boast or deny.  Such "wisdom" not heaven but earthly, unspiritual, of devil.  envy and selfish ambition, disorder and every evil practice.
  7. Jam 3:17-18 - wisdom from heaven pure; peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.  Peacemakers sow in peace, raise harvest of righteousness.
  8. Jam 4:1-3 - What causes fights and quarrels? desires battle within?  You want, don't get. kill and covet, cannot have what want. quarrel and fight. do not have, because not ask God. When ask, not receive, because wrong motives, spend on pleasures.
  9. Jam 4:4-6 - adulterous people, friendship with world is hatred toward God? Anyone friend of world becomes enemy of God.  do you think Scripture says without reason the spirit envies intensely?  he gives us more grace. “God opposes proud gives grace to humble."
  10. Jam 4:7-10 - Submit to God. Resist devil, he will flee.  Come near God and he will come near you. Wash your hands, purify your hearts, Grieve, mourn and wail. Change laughter to mourning and joy to gloom.  humble yourselves, and he will lift you up.
  11. Jam 4:11-12 - do not slander one another. who speaks against brother or judges him speaks against law and judges it. When you judge law, not keeping it, sitting in judgment on it.  one Lawgiver and Judge, the one able to save and destroy. who are you to judge neighbor?
  12. Jam 4:13-17 - "Today or tomorrow we will go to city, spend a year, make money."  not know tomorrow. What is your life? You are mist.   ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will do this."  boast and brag, is evil.  who knows good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.
  13. Jam 5:1-3 - listen, rich people, weep and wail, misery coming.  Your wealth rotted, moths eaten clothes.  gold and silver corroded. will testify against you, eat flesh like fire. You hoarded wealth in last days.
  14. Jam 5:4-6 - Look! wages you failed to pay crying against you. cries of harvesters reached Lord Almighty.  You lived in luxury and self-indulgence. fattened yourselves in day of slaughter.  condemned and murdered innocent men, not opposing you.
  15. Jam 5:7-8 - Be patient until Lord's coming. See how farmer waits for valuable crop and patient for autumn and spring rains.  be patient and stand firm, Lord's coming is near.
  16. Jam 5:9 - Don't grumble against brothers or judged.  consider blessed those persevered. Job's perseverance, what Lord brought about. Lord compassion and mercy.  do not swear, or condemned.
  17. Jam 5:13-16 - in trouble? pray.  happy? sing praise.  sick? call elders pray and anoint in name of Lord.  prayer in faith make sick person well. will be forgiven.  confess sins, pray for each other, may be healed. prayer of righteous powerful and effective.
  18. Jam 5:17-18 - Elijah prayed earnestly, did not rain.  again prayed, rain, earth produced crops.
  19. Jam 5:19-20 - Whoever turns sinner from error save him from death, cover multitude of sins.


  1. Jam 3:1-18 - Not many should teach, judged strictly, all stumble.  tongue small, great boasts.  tongue is fire, world of evil. corrupts, sets course of life on fire, set on fire by hell.  no tame tongue. restless evil, deadly poison.  praise Lord, curse men God's likeness.  same mouth praise cursing. should not be.  Wise understanding? show good life, deeds in humility wisdom.  if harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition, do not boast or deny.  Such "wisdom" not heaven but earthly, unspiritual, of devil.  envy and selfish ambition, disorder and every evil practice.  wisdom from heaven pure; peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.  Peacemakers sow in peace, raise harvest of righteousness.
  2. Jam 4:1-17 - What causes fights and quarrels? desires battle within?  do not have, because not ask God. When ask, not receive, because wrong motives, spend on pleasures.  adulterous people, friendship with world is hatred toward God? Anyone friend of world becomes enemy of God.  he gives us more grace. “God opposes proud gives grace to humble."  Submit to God. Resist devil, he will flee.  Come near God and he will come near you.  humble yourselves, and he will lift you up.  do not slander one another. who speaks against brother or judges him speaks against law and judges it. one Lawgiver and Judge, the one able to save and destroy. who are you to judge neighbor?   "Today or tomorrow we will go to city, spend a year, make money."  not know tomorrow. What is your life? You are mist.   ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will do this."  boast and brag is evil.  who knows good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.
  3. Jam 5:1-20 -rich people, weep and wail, misery coming.  Your wealth rotted,  gold and silver corroded. will testify against you, eat flesh like fire. You hoarded wealth in last days.  Look! wages you failed to pay crying against you. cries of harvesters reached Lord Almighty.  You lived in luxury and self-indulgence. fattened yourselves in day of slaughter.  condemned and murdered innocent men, not opposing you.  Be patient until Lord's coming. See how farmer waits for valuable crop and patient for autumn and spring rains.  be patient and stand firm, Lord's coming is near.  Don't grumble against brothers or you judged.  as example of patience in suffering, take prophets of the Lord.  consider blessed those persevered. Job's perseverance, what Lord brought about. Lord compassion and mercy.  do not swear by heaven, earth or anything, or condemned.  in trouble? pray.  happy? sing praise.  sick? call elders to pray and anoint in name of Lord.  prayer in faith make sick person well; Lord raise him. will be forgiven.  confess sins, pray for each other, may be healed. prayer of righteous powerful and effective.  Elijah prayed earnestly, did not rain.  again prayed, heavens rain, earth produced crops. Whoever turns sinner from error save him from death, cover multitude of sins.

Subject Sentence:

Teach patient, persevering submission through wisdom and humility.


TCMAT always be aware of their behavior as they seek to study God’s Word and do what it says.


A1.         In whose lives could you be considered a teacher of sorts, and what do those charges learn from you?

                How is the tongue like a fire?

                Describe the path the tongue takes from being ignited by hell to burning down a great forest.

                What practical steps are you prepared to take to ensure that both praise and cursing do not come out of your mouth?

                What are some examples of earthly wisdom?

                What are some examples of heavenly wisdom?

                What action can you take today to become a peacemaker?

A2.         What don’t you have because you don’t ask God?

                What have you not received from God because you ask with the wrong motives?

                In what ways does your life reflect friendship with the world?

                In what ways does your life reflect friendship with God?

                In what ways do you submit to God?

                How have you experienced the devil fleeing from you when you have resisted him?

                How have you experienced God coming near to you after you’ve come near to Him?

                What practical methods could you use to keep from judging others?

                How might you plan your weeks to come in a godly way?

                What is the good that you know you ought to do?

A3.         What are you prepared to do this week to live less self-indulgently and more righteously?

                How might you accomplish being patient until the Lord’s coming?

                What Biblical illustration of perseverance impacts you most?  Why?

                How will you choose an accountability partner to confess sin and pray with?

                When have you prayed to God earnestly for a thing and what was the result of that prayer?


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