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Bible Study: Jesus' Intoxicating Love For His Bride - Song of Solonon - Chapter 1

Please forgive this rough draft format, as these are my raw study notes on the Song of Songs (also known as Song of Solomon), although they are a bit better formatted than former efforts. I felt a great sense of urgency to publish them rather than waiting until I had the time to pretty them up. Thank you and I pray that God blesses and encourages you through this material. I’m not sure of the condition of the world at the time of this publication. But at the time of its writing, late spring 2010, things are looking increasingly bleak with the economy, health care and unemployment, there are allegations of racial profiling in Arizona and a major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Are these the first stages of birth pains? The last? God only knows. And He is very busy these days. Seek His wisdom. Encourage each other. Pray. Jesus is coming to deliver His people and judge the wicked…


Take a few minutes to pray and savor chapter 1 of the Song of Solomon. Then return here and ponder the thoughts, answer the questions, and be sure to leave comments about your own revelations…

The author is King Solomon. Considering the number of wives and concubines he had, does this add or detract from his credibility in this area? Since God’s Word is inspired, I believe this is a beautiful picture of God’s love for us AND a model of how marriage should be.

Three “parts” are spoken in this “play” – the beloved is the woman loved by King Solomon; the lover is the King; the friends are the maidens who are witness to this romance. When you put these characters into a spiritual perspective, the beloved is the bride of Christ (a.k.a. the church), the lover is the King of Kings, and the friends would be those who are happy to witness this relationship – teachers, prophets, etc.

Shulammite woman = “Hee Haw Honey” (beautiful, but backward). (Song of Solomon – Tommy Nelson) Shulammite is a nickname, a feminine form of Solomon’s name

1 – the dating phase. (Song of Solomon – Tommy Nelson)

What aspect of relationship with Christ does this relate to? When you begin to seek Him? If the kiss introduced in verse 2 is any indication, you are already in relationship with Him at this point. Perhaps this is when you first accepted Him as Savior and are filled with His Spirit.

1:1 – Beloved – dowd – my one beloved. (Song of Solomon – Tommy Nelson)

1:2 – A kiss is intimate…a sharing of breath, which is life. God did this when He breathed life into Adam in the book of Genesis. He did it again when He sent the Holy Spirit to inhabit His people.

good looks. (Song of Solomon – Tommy Nelson)

The beloved says the lover’s love is intoxicating and delicious. Can you describe God’s love for you like this? Why or why not?

1:3 – How is a name like perfume poured out? Such a scent is far-reaching. An this one is apparently pleasant. His reputation must be well known. What would his reputation have to be to explain that the maidens loved him? Notice how the beloved says this as fact without jealousy. Are you this confident in your significant other’s love for you? Are you this confident in God’s love for you?

How do you guard Christ’s reputation? What about your reputation and that of your spouse?

1:4 – Beloved – dowd – my one beloved. (Song of Solomon – Tommy Nelson)

Why would the king bring this woman to his chambers during the dating phase? These are intimate “get to know you” moments, not moments of physical intimacy.

1:5 – She was dark because of her time in the sun tending to Solomon’s vineyard. See 1:6 and 8:11. But she still considers herself to be pretty.

What are the tents of Kedar like? Kedar was the home of nomadic tribes that was known for being a good place for flocks.

The tent curtains of Solomon were made of black goat hair.

Daughters of Jerusalem – the maidens, thought to be the friends that speak in this poem.

1:6 – Her brothers were angry with her, so she worked in the vineyards and neglected to care for her own appearance.

see Song of Songs 8:11. (Song of Solomon – Tommy Nelson)

vineyards – This woman worked in Solomon’s vineyards.

1:7 – Why would she want to know where he grazes his flock and rests his sheep? She wanted to see him.

Why should I be like a veiled woman (prostitute) beside the flocks of your friends – she’s saying, “there are things I won’t do to be with you.” (Song of Solomon – Tommy Nelson)

1:8 – The friends tell this woman to follow the sheep tracks and she will find him.

1:9 – Solomon compares his lady love to a horse leading Pharaoh’s chariot! What a regal, perfect specimen of an animal this must be! This is a great compliment! But how many women would consider it an insult to be compared to a horse?!?! As king, Solomon would have great appreciation of horses – especially a horse that was regal enough to pull the chariot of the ruler of Egypt!

We need to understand the language of our men, ladies. Talk to them about what they appreciate. It will lead to better communication and fewer misunderstandings.

darling – rayah – the woman of my dreams. (Song of Solomon – Tommy Nelson)

1:10 – This woman is adorned with earrings and jeweled necklaces.

1:11 – Solomon is going to make earrings for her.

1:12 – Why would her fragrance spread while he was at his table? Was she watching him? Check out the next verse.

1:13 – A sachet of myrrh resting between her breasts would be warmed by the heat of the flesh surrounding it, making the fragrance permeate.

What is the significance of henna blossoms from the vineyards of En Gedi? Henna blossoms are aromatic. En Gedi was a desert oasis where David hid from Saul. See 1 Samuel 24:1.

So it appears she was watching him at his table.

1:15 – Solomon calls her beautiful.

Your eyes are doves – what sort of compliment is this?

darling – rayah – the woman of my dreams. (Song of Solomon – Tommy Nelson)

1:16 – She calls Solomon handsome and charming. She says their bed is verdant, which means inexperienced. Good. Stay away from premarital sex!

1:17 – Solomon talks about the construction of their home. Strong woods that smell good. He has apparently built her a home while they were dating. I suppose this is a declaration of his honorable intentions.

Jesus told the disciples that He was going away to prepare a place for them (and us).

• The Song of Solomon illustrates the love relationship between a man and woman which can mirror God’s intoxicating love for His bride (the church). How have you seen God’s love at work in this chapter of scripture? How can you apply it to your marriage? How will you apply it to your relationship with Jesus this week?
• What attributes of God do you see in this book?
• What verse of scripture seemed to be God speaking directly to you? What is He teaching you in these verses? How does He want you to respond?


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