Chuck Missler’s eschatological summary is jam-packed with
more fascinating facts than can be processed in the hour-long video
teaching. Lots of “ologies” are
discussed. We’re going to concentrate on
one. Eschatology is the study of the end
times. Dr. Missler has challenged his
audience many times throughout this course that we are being plunged into a
period of time that the Bible says more about than any other time period. Verify it for yourself through study of God’s
Here’s another big word for you: hermeneutics. It is the science of interpretation. Eschatology is a test of our
hermeneutics. Do we take the Bible at
face value? Or do we consider it to be
more allegorical? Personally, I believe
in an actual millennium. I embrace the
preposterous belief about the rapture of the church. I believe the church must be raptured before
the Man of Sin (anti-Christ) is revealed.
I believe that the rapture is imminent and that it will occur before the
tribulation begins. I don’t believe that
this means Christians will escape persecution altogether.
Fellow believers, I pray that you will get to know Scripture
intimately. And I pray that you will
watch what is happening in the world.
You can’t rely on your local news or CNN. In the last week or so, I came across an
article that said a proposal has been made to rebuild the temple in
Jerusalem. That sends chills up and down
my spine. The temple must be rebuilt for
the anti-Christ to defile it and present himself as god. Ooh, shivers!
This is just a fraction of what the video teaching
presents. And there’s no telling where
your small group discussion will go this week.
Homework for next time:
Revelation 1-3