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Showing posts from November, 2023

Homiletics: John 6:41-71

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.Jews began grumble bec said:I bread from heaven;they:J son Jos,how say came from hvn(6:41-42) 2.Stop grumbling among yourselves;no1 come me unless Fr draws,and I raise up last day(6:43-44) 3.written in Proph:they be taught by G,every1 who heard Fr comes(6:45) 4.no1 seen Fr except one from G;VT the 1 who believes has EL;I am bread of life(6:46-48) 5.your ancestors ate manna yet died;here is bread from hvn any1 may eat,not die(6:49-50) 6.I am living bread,whoever eats will live forever,bread=flesh I give for life of world(6:51) 7.Jews began argue sharply:How this man give flesh to eat?(6:52) 8.J:VT unless you eat flesh SoM/drink blood,you have no life(6:53) 9.whoever eats flesh/drinks blood has EL and I raise last day;my flesh real food,blood real drink(6:54-55) 10.whoever eats flesh/drinks blood remains in me,I in them(6:56) Fr sent me/I lv bec Fr,1 who feeds on me live bec me;bread ...

Review: Julia Monroe Begins Again by Rebekah Millet

First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Rebekah Millet and her publisher for sending me a copy of "Julia Monroe Begins Again" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me. “Julia Monroe Begins Again” by Rebekah Millet is my absolute favorite Christian romance novel ever!  Such a wonderful debut novel by an author to watch!!  Rebekah Millet captures the reader immediately, like a gifted journalist.  This book reads like you’re sitting in a cafĂ© with Julia Monroe herself telling her story over a warm drink and pastry.  I found myself staying up way past my bedtime, enjoying the almost musical writing.  There are intelligent and likeable characters, interesting situations, witty writing, and logical conflict.  I found myself rooting for Julia and Samuel, their families and friends.  I cannot wait for another book by Rebekah Mi...

Homiletics: John 6:22-40

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): day crowd realized only 1 boat, J not entered disc gone alone (6:22) from Tiberias landed near where people had eaten bread (6:23) 3.once crowd realized neither J/disc there, they got into boats went Capernaum search J (6:24) 4.when they found him, asked: Rabbi, when you get here? (6:25) 5.J:you looking for me not bec signs but bec ate/had fill (6:26) not work for food that spoils but that endures to EL which SoM will give you (6:27) 7.they: What must we do to do works G requires? (6:28) 8.J: work of G is to believe the one he has sent (6:29)   9.they: what sign you give that we may believe? (6:30) 10.Our ancestors ate manna as is written: he gave them bread from heaven to eat (6:31) 11.J: not Moses given bread from heaven, but my Father who give u true bread from heaven (6:32) 12.For the bread of G is the bread that comes heaven/gives life to world (6:33) 13.S...

Homiletics: John 6:1-21

Divisions ( run-on sentence OK, direct verbiage from Scripture/Principles are Aims for each Division – a truth about God, a truth about man, a truth about God’s relationship to man; a sin to avoid, promise to trust, example to follow, command to obey, truth to believe ): 1.Jesus feeds Five Thousand (John 6:1-13) Principle:   Jesus provided for all. 2.Jesus walks on Water (John 6:14-21) Principle:   Jesus protects His people.   Subject Sentence ( 10-word sentence with proper structure showing exactly where you are in Scripture ): Jesus feeds five thousand then walks on water.   Aim (“ To Cause My Audience To…” Know, See, Learn, Understand, etc .): TCMATK Jesus meets needs and exceeds expectations.   Application ( not yes or no question.   Meant to bring about heart change ): 1.How are you sharing the leftovers from Jesus’ abundant provision to you? 2.What do you know about Jesus (and His protection) that gives you peace and joy wh...