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Showing posts from July, 2021

Mysteries of the Messiah by Rabbi Jason Sobel

  Are you settling for half the story? Highlighting connections that have been hidden from non-Jewish eyes, Rabbi Jason Sobel will connect the dots between the Old and New Testament, helping you see the Bible with clarity as God intended . Most people—even people of faith—do not understand how the Bible fits together. Too many Christians accept half an inheritance, content to embrace merely the New Testament, while Jewish people may often experience the same by embracing only the Old Testament. But God has an intricate plan and purpose for both the Old and the New. In  Mysteries of the Messiah , Rabbi Jason Sobel reveals the many connections in Scripture hidden in plain sight. Known for his emphatic declaration “but there’s more!” he guides us in seeing the passion and purpose of the Messiah.  Mysteries of the Messiah : Uncovers connections between the Old and New Testaments Connects the dots for readers with details about Jesus, the Torah, and biblical characters Written...

Lead Like Christ by A.W. Tozer

  Lead Like Christ What Does Christ-Centered Leadership Look Like? As a Christian, does your leadership approach look any different from that of those who don't follow Christ? Throughout the Bible, God shows us what leadership looks in His kingdom, and sometimes it can seem upside-down. The first shall be last. The master shall be the servant. But how can we apply these counterintuitive truths in our world today? Rather than focusing on the nuts and bolts of management,  Lead like Christ  uses the book of Titus to take a close look at what biblical leadership entails. Using Paul's instructions to his young ministry partner as a guide, Tozer takes us through themes of grace, servanthood, spiritual boldness, and humility toward the Word of God. This foundation will lead to powerful, long-lasting change in both your own leadership role today as well as in God's eternal kingdom.   A.W. Tozer  (1897-1963) was a self-taught theologian, pastor, and writer whose powerfu...

The Essential Andrew Murray Collection

  The Essential Andrew Murray Collection Three Classic Andrew Murray Books in One Wisdom-Filled Volume The powerful writings of Andrew Murray, the nineteenth-century minister and author, still inspire today. · In  Humility , Murray calls all Christians to turn from pride, empty themselves, and study the character of Christ, who will then fill them with His grace. It is often called the best work ever written on the topic. ·  Abiding in Christ  invites you to listen to words from Scripture, read a daily meditation, pray, and surrender yourself anew to Christ. This thirty-one-day devotional is as timely now as it was in 1895 when it was first published. ·  Living a Prayerful Life  outlines the way to overcome prayerlessness, which Murray believed was the greatest roadblock to spiritual growth. He offers inspiring and practical guidelines for becoming a prayer warrior, including examples from the prayer lives of the apostle Paul, George MĂĽller, and Hudson Tayl...