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Showing posts from March, 2019

Homiletics 1 Kings 1-2

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.D old, kp warm,yng virgin lie beside,beautiful Abishag Shunammite,tk care king, sex (1:1-4) 2.Adnijah:IBking;fr nvr rebuked;aftr Abs;Joab/Abiathr support;Zad/Ben/Nath/Shim/Rei/guard join (1:5-8) 3.A sac,invitd bros, Nath/Ben/guard/Sol ;N2Bath:A king/D know ;me advs,save u/Sol:go king/I cm(1:9-14) 4.B2kng:A kng;invt bros,Ab,Joab, Sol ;Is lrn frm u who on thrn or I/Sol trt crim;N arr,went b4kng(1:15-23) 5.N:u decl A kng?D:call Bath;D:this d,Sol kng; call Zad/Nath/Ben:tk Sol Gihon,anoint;Ben:Amen(1:24-37) 6.Z/Nath/Ben/Kereth/Peleth-Sol mt D mule2Gihon,anoint,ppl shout;A heard;Jon:Sol on thrne(1:38-46) 7.Officials cm,kng bowd,A guests disprs;Sol told A afraid;Sol:if wrthy, fall ,if evil,die;S2A:go hm(1:47-53)   8.Time4D2die;2Sol:b strng,wlk obed2G so u prospr&L kp proms2me:if desc wlk f8thfl,u hv throne(2:1-4) 9.u know Joab shed blood;deal w/him;show kndnss2sons of Barzil...

Character Carved in Stone by Pat Williams

First, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” to Pat Williams and his publisher for sending me a copy of "Character Carved in Stone" to review for them. I am truly grateful for this generosity. I really appreciate the time, effort and expense it takes to make a reviewer copy available to me. “Character Carved in Stone” by Pat Williams is a moving, entertaining and motivational read.  I originally requested this book for review because I grew up in the area of upstate New York near West Point.  I love reading books that transport me to my childhood home.  And this book blessed me with many stories about integrity and leadership from the worlds of sports and military service. Written by Pat Williams, Senior Vice President of NBA Basketball’s Orlando Magic, “Character Carved in Stone” focuses on twelve characteristics of leadership taught at West Point…twelve characteristics lived by great leaders…twelve characteristics carved into benches of pink marble locate...

Homiletics 2Samuel19-24

Content ( not sentence, direct verbiage from Scripture, fit on one line ): 1.J told king mourn,victry2mourng/ashamed;J2D:u humili8 men,go encourage;g8way,all came(19:1-8) 2.Is arguing Abs dead,bring bk king;D:Amasa cmdr army;Shimei:I sinned;Abishai:death;D:u die (19:9-23) 3.D2Meph:yu go w/me;M:I ride,Ziba betray,king angel;D:u&Z Ă· land;M:let him tk evrytng(19:24-30) 4.D2Barzillai:I provide4u;B:do4Kimham;B retn hm;Is:yJudah steal k;Jud:k related,pressd claim(19:31-43) 5.Is follo trblmkr Sheba;D2Ama:sumn Jud,tk2lng;D2Abi:pursu Sheba;Joab kill Amasa,purs Sheba(20:1-13) 6.J siegeAbelBethMaakah;ppl cut Sheba hd,threw2Joab,J retn Jerus,over army;Ira=D priest(20:14-26) 7.famine3y bec S Gib2death;D2Gib:how atone;G:7m desc;D spare Mephib,gv 7;Gib kill,hvst beg(21:1-9) 8.Rizpah let birds/ani touch;D tk S/Jon bones&7desc,buried S/J w/Kish;G ans prayer;D fight Phil(21:1-14)   9.D sang:L rock,fortress,deliverer,refuge,shield,horn salvation,stronghold,s...